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I've been wondering: Are others as underwhelmed by the ASG this year as I am?  I still follow MLB, and I'd like to get excited about tonight's game.  But after losing interest gradually for years, in 2022 I think I finally have tipped into "I just don't care" territory.

The final straw for me was learning that a home run derby will decide the game if it's tied after 9 innings.  And that the AL's team for said HR derby won't include any of the nine guys on the roster currently in the top 10 in AL HRs.  So they chose not to play baseball after 9 innings (which I understand).  Then they chose a ridiculous way to decide the game instead of just ending with a tie (which I don't).  And they made that ridiculous ending even more so by (I assume) letting players opt out of it (which the union probably required).

The players stopped trying to win a long time ago.  That's understandable given the money at stake in the contemporary MLB, and we don't need another Pete Rose vs. Ray Fosse moment.  But that took a lot of interest out of the game.  Inter-league play means the old thrill of seeing AL and NL players face off is largely gone.  And now the home-run-derby-instead-of-extra-innings farce?

Could be I'm just a grumpy old man.  (Also could be that I am a grumpy old man who is right about the ASG anyhow.)  How are others feeling about tonight's game?

Last edited by Chico Escuela
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I haven’t watched the all star game in years. I record it to watch the introductions at my convenience.

If MLB wants to avoid extra innings they should have a home run derby type shootout (like hockey) at the end of the game. Each team selects a hitter. He gets five pitches. If not decided in the first round, next two hitters up.  

What turns me off from it is MLB doing stuff like starting Kershaw for the NL for no other reason than nostalgia, and the game being in LA. Sandy Alcantara has been better in every single statistical category & pitched double the innings Kershaw has this year. Alcantara earned the right to start that game, let him go make himself a household name. Complete BS.

I also hate that Pujols & Miggy are All Star "legacy picks". I don't mind them being added to the roster & being there, their careers have earned them that. But both will at least get an at-bat, and that means 1-2 first time All Stars on each team, who earned the right to be there this year, will not even see the field due to the extra guys who are no longer all star-caliber.

But yeah, I'll still watch...

I have watched so much college baseball that this time of year I just tune into a game that might have someone we know playing or a young player I started to follow this season.

But I will still watch.

Ray's Shane McClanahan is AL SP tonight. What a nice change from the usual suspects, Verlander or Cole.

Last edited by TPM

Well, I really enjoyed the game last night.

Minus Joe Buck, John Smoltz and LA's own Joe Davis in the booth with the players mic'd up. If you didn't watch go onto Twitter and watch and listen to pitcher Alek Manoah during his first MLB All-Star game on the bump. Hysterical.

Yes it was long and the American League won again but I was surprised that it was pretty entertaining.

Yes planned to watch All-Star game, but my wife had other troubleshooting a whirring sound coming out of our gas oven.   We took the oven apart expecting to find a fan that did not work, or the fan ball bearings not functional.    Instead, we found a large dried out chili pepper used for cooking inside the fan causing the strange noise.  So, we put it back together and I caught the last two innings as each manager was emptying their benches.   It amazes me the AL has won 9 in a row among the best baseball players in the world.   We just don't see that kind of dominance on baseball

Not exactly the evening I envisioned, but on the bright side I didn't have to call in a repair person.

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Mainly out of habit, I did catch a little of the game after all.  I dipped in and out, but happened to see all 5 runs score. 

I guess I'm a minority voice, but I really dislike mic'ing players during the game, especially when in-game chit chat takes away from showing the action.  Did anyone really need to see video of Cole and Fried at the dugout rail for much of an inning instead of the actual ASG?  I thought it was really disrespectful to the players on the field.  And the split-screen with talking heads on either side of the action isn't much better.

It wasn't a bad game.  But 4 of 5 runs on HRs, 22 Ks (though to be fair, pitchers have a real advantage since hitters never see anyone more than once; and those shadows early in the game...).  At least there are no commercial breaks while relief pitchers warm up.  And they didn't have to hold a HR derby instead of extra innings.

I guess I am a crabby old guy.  I hated players being mic up.  I hated announcers put themselves into the all star game by calling pitches and telling the pitcher hitter tendencies.  I hated that a sound guy was hit by a ball in play in the 1st inning since he was on the field.  I know that this is an exhibition game but if it doesn't matter, stop keeping score.  Toss the ball up there and let the homerun derby be like what they do in the NBA when everyone gets out of the way and lets everyone dunk.

I am a Cardinal fan and I don't know why some starters who were voted in got 3 or 4 at-bats and Goldy got one at-bat.  He hits a home run and he is done.  Some players like Acuna Jr. get many at-bats.  Judge and Stanton got 3 at-bats.  Soto got 3 at-bats.  Ok, so I'm not happy.

I loved seeing the overall talent of which much is young talent.  I loved seeing Miggy and Pujols.  I recall back in the day the older greats who were not playing at a level that they once were getting a chance to shine in the All-Star Game.

Finally, I did like watching the home run derby.  I am glad that Acuna Jr did not get burned by the flames when they were on the podium.  I don't know if any of you noticed that he jumped when they fired those flames since he was too close to them.

Last edited by CoachB25

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