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A couple of weeks ago I posted about a recent showcase that I attended. I posted about a young man named Bryce Grady 08 SS. Well he has been offered by a local D-1 school. Largely based on his performance at this showcase. I talked to the coach that made the offer and all he could talk about was the way Bryce approach the game. "He is the type of kid we are trying to recruit. We feel if we can get these type of kids we are going to win alot of games. And we are not going to have to worry about wether or not they are going to compete." Congrats Bryce I look forward to your decision in the near future.
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Coach, I had the exact same feeling yesterday as I was wathcing the championship game of the American Legion state tourney.
A kid from Lawrence hit a lazy fly ball to center field and busted his tail out of the box, was about 2 steps from 2nd when the ball got caught... I said "that's what I want" ... nobody bats 1.000 but when you have a bunch of guys that just play all out you know everything is going to be all right.
When I was in college, I "tried out" for the baseball team (didn't make it, but that's not the point for right now). One day we were taking live BP on the field. A guy hits an absolute rocket right at one of the infielders and doesn't get two steps out of the box before it's caught. The batter turns around and heads for the dugout. The coach sends him running, and he runs laps for probably 15-20 minutes for not running out his line drive. I don't know that this post has a point other than you never know how much hustle matters to someone.

By the way, that guy turned out to be an all-region catcher later in his career, so obviously he was talented and learned his lesson.

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