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The pitcher from, Manhantan College who pitched a complete game, 150 pitches early season, I do beleive it was against Miami? Correct me if I am wrong.
Quite a few of us pitch count, complete game fanatics went wild. Coach Merc, friend of the family said most likely he wouldn't play past college and it was a once of a lifteime experience for him.
Chris was drafted by the Tigers and advanced to High A in Lakeland this year. After doing 91IP, his stats were 92SO, 70H, 22R,18ER and 15walks, he was traded to the Brewers. Darafted in the firt 10 rounds, most teams don't trade top draftees but looks to me like Chris is doing well and surviving in milb.
I have an interest about following pitchers who put in lots of innings in college with high pitch counts and most don't fair well later on. But Chris seems to be doing ok.

Best of luck Chris Cody!
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traveling a lot this summer and just ran acroos this one. Chris is doing very well for himself. The game you spoke of was vs Tulane with the high pitch count. He also beat Nebraska in the regional later that year.

Chris was suprised by the trade, however the positive was, he was traded even up for a pitcher already on the ML club. He continues to prove a lot of people wrong and as one ml scout said, "he's made us look silly". Chris throws mid 80's with a devastating change-up and pin point control of 3 pitches thus his great k-bb ratio. Cody

It's really been a fun summer following Chris and the rest of our posters son's in MILB..

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