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My oldest son is a football player in college. During spring ball , no pads just doing some 7 on 7 stuff a kids facemask hit him in the shoulder. He got a slap tear in the labrum and just had the procedure to repair it. He has a sling on for four weeks with no rehab allowed. Then four weeks of rehab without the sling. Then he was told he could resume working out with no overhead lifting (ever again). He is not a qb so he does not have to throw. But as a baseball player your son will need a more rigorous rehab routine. My son actually had two tears one in the front and one in the back. We were told by the doctors that the procedure has improved greatly recently with anchors that they use in the shoulder that actually dissolve over time and do not have to be removed. There are many kids that have this done that recover just fine over time and proper rehab. Good luck to you and your son.
play baseball,

No experience with the injury but I have heard that there are varying degrees of the tear. I think you are going about this in the right way by looking for information.

From our receent TJ experience I would have to say that the knowledge I gained from researching the injury on the internet along with the support and "real life" experience from friends on this site made the whole situation that much easier to deal with.

On a final note. Make sure you have had at least two opinions and if surgery is required, the best guy possible should do the cutting.
Last edited by rz1

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