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Silly question I know, but I'm beginning to wonder. They've played a grand total of ONE game so far.

They had a makeup game scheduled at their place today and had a perfect day for it, but Cox gets the call around noon that the game is cancelled...seems when they went to pull the tarp, they found that the field was too wet. I can understand that since we had a similar problem YESTERDAY morning when we found that the tarp at Cox had partially blown off, but the field was worked and made ready to play for two AAU games scheduled that afternoon. Now I guess we can't expect every HS team to have the resourses to make sure their field is ready for a game scheduled the next day, but you would think they would accept an offer to play at Cox...especially since we play them twice and it would simply be a matter of flip flopping the schedule! Heck, the paper even listed the game at Cox.

Now here's the big kicker: a college coach had driven 2.5 hours to see this game. Wouldn't you think they would've made every effort to play this game so that they could give their players a little exposure? As it turned out, the college coach stayed and watched Cox work out and was able to do some skill evaluations. I bet some of you parents at OL would've liked the opportunity for your sons to get a little exposure as well. I'm really at a loss here.

Can anyone from Ocean Lakes or otherwise explain their actions? Maybe I'm missing a vital piece of information here, and I don't like pointing fingers without knowing all the facts, but for the life of me I can't think of a good reason for not playing today. I guess it could be a transportation issue, but I know many High school teams drive to the games themselves, and I'm sure arrangements could've been made to use the bus that was scheduled to take Cox to OL


"Character: How hard you work when no one is watching."

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Chris- I find ur post pretty unfair. my understanding is that OLHS sit at about sea level and they are usually the last field to dry up enough to be playable. I am sure the coach spedden is the last person who wants to postpone games. For that matter, I can think of no one i would rather have my son play HS baseball for than coach spedden. I would think the college coach should have called to see it the game was still on?
Did you read my post? I understand an offer was made to play at Cox but was declined. Sorry if I'm being unfair, but I'd just like to hear a reasonable explanation. BTW, it may not have been good enough for a game, but I heard OL was practicing on their field (both infield and outfield) this evening...must've been somewhat playable?

The college coach arrived about 20 minutes after we found out the game was cancelled

One other thing. I'm not accusing Coach Spedden of anything...those were YOUR words. For all I know it could've been a AD decision. I'd just like to know why the decision was made...maybe a similar rediculous decision could be avoided in the future
Last edited by Chris Taylor
yes i read ur post

IMO----the title of ur thread implies something does it not?

ur posts are generally very good and fair with regard to hs baseball. IMO i felt this post was unfair

maybe u should call the AD at OLHS and ask for an explanation-- i am quite sure u would find that
1/ games can be switched by mutual agreement
2/ transportation is always a consideration when making those arrangements
3/ contacting officials and letting them know of the change is a consideration as well

with regard to actually practicing on the field, i am sure it is possible that they worked out around the mud or just in the outfield with rubber balls
In response. Yes, the title did imply something. It was not meant to be taken seriously...thus the "silly question" in the first sentence of the post. The title was meant to attract a response...hopefully from someone with answers (I'm still waiting). As for 1,2 and 3, if that is all that is required, it certainly seems there was time to do all three if the effort was there
It is the responsibility of the AD to make decisions based on the safety of the field due to field conditions. What an AD observes during the day and the availability of people to work the field would also be a factor.
The logistical problem of transportation: the example of some teams drive themselves-each player and their parent need to provide information including a signature to waive liability which would have to be completed well before the travel is needed.
Coach Spedden and Coach Conroy have years of history and I can not imagine Spedden being comfortable with so many make up games. Two of those make up games involve OL to travel.
As far as the college coach goes, it is very unfortunate that there was not a game for the coach to observe and more unfortunate that the college coach was limited to evaluate players during practice. I am sure that the coach was very dissappointed in the wasted trip. However, each college coach understands that weather dictates baseball.
With that being said, risking the safety of players when field conditions are so poor (how much rain did we get Friday and Saturday?) Who would parents blame when their child got injured sliding through the standing water in the outfield??

Maybe you feel the decision to cancel was ridiculous, but I would guess the AD thought it was responsible.

Lynn Metheny
I am not questioning the decision to not play at OL. The Cox field was dry, the two teams that played there yesterday can attest to that. If transportation was the issue, I can accept that I guess, but no one has stated that yet and I still think that with a little effort the game could've been played at Cox. Did OL not have an inkling that the field might not be playable? A quick check this morning, arrange a bus, and its done
I for one was hoping that they would play today. In talking to my son yesterday, he said the field was in really bad shape, waterwise..

What I do know is this is one of the nicest fields in the area. Apparently that might because its saturated.. :-)

as for the switching of the fields.. who knows.. not a parent decision.. I am sure there are reasons but who knows.. I do know that OL will be playing a lot of games to make up for all the rainouts.
Do you all really think that OL's coaches are that dialed in with Pat Robertson and can control the weather?

How long have you lived in this area?? It can literaly rain cats and dogs blocks away from where the sun is shining and not a drop.

I am finding this whole conversation quite comical.

Obviously OL is going to be playing lots of games a week to squeeze them all in during the remainder of the season.
Last edited by VAAngelsfan
Originally posted by WB Reporter:
That's not an acceptable excuse. A lot of teams are playing three games in a week and a number are playing four.

I don't think the number of games is the problem since they will have to play 3/week for several weeks in a row to catch up. It IS interesting how it worked out for them though. From what I've heard, they will now be making up the game with Cox the same week we play FC and Landstown while they play Bayside and Green Run...
Easier for Cox? Not really, since we should've played yesterday...unless OL for some reason wanted to save pitching for a team that was NOT 4-0.

Funny, you say that your kids just want to play, but somehow resent the fact that I'm complaining because someone at OL made the decision not to. Sounds like we both want the same thing, but the question remains: Whose fault is it that we did not play on a beautiful day, what was the reason, and how can a similar situation be avoided in the future?

BTW we also had 3 games scheduled this week: OL Monday, Salem Wednesday, and Kellam Friday.
All I know is I took off work early yesterday so I could see the kids play and was once again informed we were cancelled.

I really don't think there is a hidden agenda. I could be wrong but I doubt it.. afterall

I am just a parent who enjoys watching his son play.

I am guessing if you really wanted to know you could contact the school.

All that matters today is they are playing!
Originally posted by lmubb08:
typical cox baseball parent...get over it

And what exactly is a "typical Cox parent"?

Do you mean the kind of parent that loves to watch his son play baseball... so much so that he gets up early on a Sunday morning to check on the field conditions after a rainstorm (and work that field for a few hours if necessary) because there is a chance that the game on Monday may need to be played there instead of at its scheduled location?

Or perhaps a typical Cox parent is one that is upset that he did not get to see that scheduled game because someone didn't want to put forth the effort or had "other motives"?

Maybe you mean the type of parent that puts his name on EVERY post and does not hide behind a screen name while bragging on the accomplishments of his kid or posting negatively about others?

If that is a typical Cox parent, then guilty as charged and proud of it!
Last edited by Chris Taylor
As you would say Chris Taylor
this conversation is rediculous!!
It is non productive and getting to the point of insulting!
If in fact the AD called the game at 12:00 p.m. then the logistics of changing the field location may have not been possible. Cox and OL are not located next to each other and to have the team at the field by 3:30 from OL may have been impossible at that late time. The bus drivers have their own run and then do the activities.
Though most "baseball people" do not believe that there are other sports or other considerations, in fact there are.

This is high school baseball, put it in prospective!

In no way should the AD at OL have to answer to any parent, at any school as to why they have made a decision based on information available to them at the time the decision is to be made.

It is my understanding that there were 3 AAU teams with parents working on the field at Cox on Sunday. You are right, not every school has the same advantages. Maybe that should be your next thread!

Lynn Metheny

P.S. I just recieved a phone call that PA was up 9 to 5 in the bottom of the 5th.
Originally posted by Chris Taylor:
Originally posted by lmubb08:
typical cox baseball parent...get over it

And what exactly is a "typical Cox parent"?

Do you mean the kind of parent that loves to watch his son play baseball... so much so that he gets up early on a Sunday morning to check on the field conditions after a rainstorm (and work that field for a few hours if necessary) because there is a chance that the game on Monday may need to be played there instead of at its scheduled location?

Or perhaps a typical Cox parent is one that is upset that he did not get to see that scheduled game because someone didn't want to put forth the effort or had "other motives"?

Maybe you mean the type of parent that puts his name on EVERY post and does not hide behind a screen name while bragging on the accomplishments of his kid or posting negatively about others?

If that is a typical Cox parent, then guilty as charged and proud of it!

Yes I think we have all been inconvenienced by this
wet spring...Perhaps people are concerened it is messing up a pitching rotation when you only rely on 2 pitchers.....and maybe people shouldnt count their chickens before they hatch SmileAnd as long as people play their 20 game schedules they shold be flexible enough to deal with the weather and have
to play the schedule as it may fall.....every team has rearranged rotations and game plans daily!
Originally posted by 1943 yankees:
As you would say Chris Taylor
this conversation is rediculous!!
It is non productive and getting to the point of insulting!
If in fact the AD called the game at 12:00 p.m. then the logistics of changing the field location may have not been possible. Cox and OL are not located next to each other and to have the team at the field by 3:30 from OL may have been impossible at that late time. The bus drivers have their own run and then do the activities.
Though most "baseball people" do not believe that there are other sports or other considerations, in fact there are.

This is high school baseball, put it in prospective!

In no way should the AD at OL have to answer to any parent, at any school as to why they have made a decision based on information available to them at the time the decision is to be made.

It is my understanding that there were 3 AAU teams with parents working on the field at Cox on Sunday. You are right, not every school has the same advantages. Maybe that should be your next thread!

Lynn Metheny

P.S. I just recieved a phone call that PA was up 9 to 5 in the bottom of the 5th.

You're right, this thread has been very unproductive. I was hoping for an explanation, and just keep getting excuses from people who don't know the reason any better than I do. I'll try to keep it in "prospective" though Smile
To all interested,

Hearing this first hand, flip flopping a game is not as easy as you make it out.

1. Umpires have to be notified(early)
2. Both schools have to agree
3. Transportation is a nightmare
4. Did you put much thought into how much work was done on the field prior to cancelation?
5. There is no rule relating to flip flopping games, it is something that you all make up.
6. Keep reading th paper, it aways is right? Wrong!
7. It is no all about your team. Other teams do the same thing and nothing is said.
8. Coach Spedden did the right thing, I personally would not want to play my second game of the year on the field you have, which by the way is one of the worst in the beach! Fix it!
9. As you always say, it is about the kids. Stop bashing Ocean Lakes with headlines of "Does Ocean Lakes want to play". Does this help the kids? Wait until you go watch your kid play at UVA, maybe your perspective will change?
10. Your quote at the bottom say's it all "Character: How hard you work when no one is watching." Were you watching them bust their tails doing field work tryingto get the game in? NO!
I hate to do this but what were those parents doing sunday? Were the finishing the 1/2 pipe down the base path, or better yet, were the three of them trying to get that mushroom of a third base out of the ground? Did you get it?

It is my understanding that there were 3 AAU teams with parents working on the field at Cox on Sunday. You are right, not every school has the same advantages. Maybe that should be your next thread!
apparently your son is going to UVA next would you have felt if they played that game and your son tore an acl and then never fully recovered and never fully got a chance to play college baseball?

i personally played under coach spedden and coach conroy at ocean lakes...both coaches are class act coaches and run class act spedden would never cancel a game just because he doesnt want to play...

yes it just so happens that their makeup date happens to fall during a week that they play bayside and green sure that when they canceled the game he knew exactly when the makeup date would be right? this is all a conspiracy by coach spedden right?

you say you arent pointing fingers but you clearly are...i dont wish bad karma on anyone but i would really be interested to see how you wouldve reacted if this game was played and your son was injured, thus hurting his future baseball career...

what i meant by typical cox baseball parent is this...cox seems to have an issue every year with ocean lakes...i dont go to the games but it seems every year that a cox parent is on here complaining about some sort of thing that happens with ocean lakes...that is what i meant...

good luck to you and everyone else in the beach...the beach district is by far the classiest district in the eastern region...and i dont think they any team in the beach would call a game just cause they dont want to play...and it is ridiculous for you to make accusations towards their program like that...
Not to change the subject, but when did you play at OL lmubb08? i also played for Spedden and Conroy at OL. interested to know if it was around the same time. And to respond to the subject of this thread, even if it was pure gamesmanship, thats part of it right. Why put yourself at a disadvantage by taking away home field this early in the year. Trust me, when i played, Coach Norbie Wilson would not have changed the site of a game for Ocean Lakes. Lets not forget, these coaches want to win too. just my two cents...
This has turned ludicrous. GB and WB flip flopped games mid day. It's really not that hard. Both teams were told to bring both sets of uni's to school and the decision was made mid-afternoon. Plans were made and the game was switched from GB to WB.

For you OL supporters...Chris Taylor did nothing wrong in asking for answers. Chill out and stop calling people names. You call it gamesmanship, others call it something else. The fact remains that you didn't play the game.
Last edited by redbird5
I dont think I called anyone a name, just saying it is at the coaches discretion to some degree. i am sure coach spedden would like to have played more than 2 games this late in the year, and i trust that he made what he thought was the best decision for the players on both teams. And is asking questions in an accusatory tone really asking?
everyone has their opinions and when it is said in an open forum, i believe others are entitled to their opinion as well...

and just like chris taylor, i want answers too...i want to know how he wouldve felt if in fact coach spedden or the ad at OL allowed the game to be played and his son was injured...

and im pretty sure there is no name calling in this post...i will double check for now on though...

in no way do i want anyone to think that i do not like cox or anything like that...i did play for coach conroy and always root for the best for his team...and i hope cox lives up to the hype this year also...
I've been trying to let this thread go, but since YOU keep bumping it to the top and seem to want an answer, here it is. Under ANY circumstances, I would feel terrible if my son were injured (or any player for that matter). However, since you seem to have some reading comprehension problems, I'll try and say it again. I have no problem with OL saying their field was not playable. That does not excuse the fact that if they wanted to play as badly as I wanted them to play, the game could have happened. You can make excuses all you want, but that is the bottom line and you can't convince me otherwise. Its not rocket science to check the field the day before (or even that morning), see that the field is not playable, and make arrangements to switch the schedule. For whatever reason, that was not done. I have not speculated on their reasoning, but I have questioned why. Its obvious that this thread has been pointless and I'm sorry I ever brought it up. I'm done with it. If you want to keep bringing it back to the top, go right ahead.
Last edited by Chris Taylor
Chris - You've lost major credibility especially in your early comment "unless OL for some reason wanted to save pitching for a team that was NOT 4-0." You are not giving sound baseball advice or insight. Seems your clouded by Cox's season hype. Good for the players who are succeeding when in past seasons they watched others do so. I've coached a few of the current Cox players in the past and wish them well, it's parents like you who send it over the top.
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