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DIIs, NAIA and JUCOs may absolutely have him work out. Much depends on who's on the campus and schedules during the visit. It is fairly common at a JUCO for a player to participate in a full blown practice. He should ask each individual coach what he will need or otherwise just come prepared with all his "stuff" in the car.
Last edited by lafmom
Originally posted by infielddad:
Coach, unless something has changed since 2005, DIII does not permit recruits to work out or tryout on campus visits or with the team.
I believe that is only permitted at the DII level.

IFD is correct. Just to be clear, though, I would note that NAIA & JUCO's (all divisions) allow tryouts, workouts, etc.
We visited a D3 school in October 2006. We talked with the Head Coach for several hours. He said he could not have my son throw for him, nor could he (the D3 coach) go to the D2 campus across town and watch him throw for that coach (who is a friend of the D3 coach). I was not implying that something new happened in the fall of 2006 - just that I was enlightened back then.
IFD is correct. Just to be clear, though, I would note that NAIA & JUCO's (all divisions) allow tryouts, workouts, etc.
very true, and adding ANY coach in the allowable divisions wanting to try-out a player will make it VERY CLEAR

this site usually offers pretty good info, but I appologize for any who suggested a player who's offered a visit should expect show up ready to work out w/the team
Roll Eyes
Last edited by Bee>
this site usually offers pretty good info, but I appologize for any who suggested a player who's offered a visit should expect show up ready to work out w/the team

Bee, I don't think anyone said he should "show up ready to work out". My message simply meant if he's not sure, he should have his stuff with him just in case. Oftentimes, a scenario may change between the time a coach has talked with a recruit and the actual visit. What the coach intended originally can change... while I said a player should ask the coach, it never hurts to be prepared just in case.
Workouts are allowed at D II's and can be absolutely critical as often it's the only time the head coach will see a player. You may get "instant feedback" and you might not. We worried like any other parents until the head coach winked at my wife and said "He did great; we'll put together a package and get it to you in a couple days".

Transferred two years later, but still like the school, and still remember the nervousness of that visit.

My son took everything-clothes, cleats, glove, etc.
ya don't just bring your glove & spikes along on a visit .. just in case

Well Bee, I disagree. My son had two visits that I can remember off the top of my head where the coach had invited him, had told him he needed nothing, but got there and players were practicing and the coach said something like "you're welcome to get on the field", etc. to which my son did exactly that. So, I say always be prepared. No harm comes out of having your bat bag, etc. in the car and working out with the team if you're actually the player the coach thinks you are. As a matter of fact, I don't think my son did a single visit where he didn't have his things in the car (regardless of what the coach had said he would need). Seems like a pretty simple concept to me.

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