As a break to all the hs baseball drama scenarios that Franny brings up (I did warn everyone upon his arrival btw...I say this in jest to Francis ). How many here have kids who are hsbbw members? Did you recruit them or was it some other way? For my kid it was google as he was looking up recruiting and it lead him here. He was lurking and was amazed at the info and being a "good kid" and wanted to show his pops a great resource. In retrospect I should have played dumb and just gave him the glory and told him great find and protect my anonymity. I did not not and told him how this is a great community and has a lot of free resources that helped me and he should use it. Being a inquisitive child he looked up my profile...he saw my membership date (way before hs) and the number of posts I made. Of course he finked me to the missus, but luckily she already knew and accepted my "other life". It is kinda weird knowing my kid will read or have read my posts about him. He hasn't said anything to me or the wife about it so I guess it is all good. I do post on other baseball sites as well and to be honest I never thought one day my kid might read all of this. I have met members here and know others via a 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon way. So pardon my long winded response.
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