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For all you players out there- if you watched the Florida v Southern Miss game earlier on ESPN (and even if you didn't) don't taunt other players when you make a play. Florida's catcher did it and a national audience got to see him make a complete fool out of himself. Just don't do it.
"There are two kinds of people in this game: those who are humble and those who are about to be." Clint Hurdle
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Oh, I agree pop! First, I didn't really see the So Miss player use an elbow until they showed it on replay. Even then, I still thought it was a borderline call. Regardless, the Florida kid didn't show much class in the way he reacted pointing and taunting as he backed to his dugout. As a mom, that would have disappointed me more, than the kid getting ejected for the arm up call.
Originally posted by CollegeParent:
I'd cut the catcher a little slack as the runner was out by a mile and attempted to go real high with his elbows. My son is a catcher and he gets pretty pumped up when he is tackled or someone trys to cheap shot him.

Tell your son it's fine to get pumped up CP. But also coach him to not lose his composure. Munroe did lose it unfortunately, and he'd better relearn that composure if he wants to play at the next level. IMHO, he should have been run too- for unsportsmanlike behavior. I'd be willing to bet that Coach Sully had some choice words for him.
Last edited by spizzlepop
Throw a runner out from the outfield at home, pick up your stuff, go to the dugout.

Take your mask off, throw it on the ground, charge the baserunner sitting on his butt, bend over get in his face and throw an F bomb at him, the ump should have run him.

That stuff made me an instant Southern Miss fan.

On top of that, the Florida dugout emptied on to the field...not a good reflection of the coaches or the program. I though Corky Palmer, S.Miss coach who was live on camera after that, showed great professionalism....something Florida lacked completely.
On top of that, the Florida dugout emptied on to the field...not a good reflection of the coaches or the program.

Thats a little harsh isn't it? 20-year old kids do nutty things. I wouldn't jump to a conclusion on anyone so easily.

I thought Corky Palmer, S.Miss coach who was live on camera after that, showed great professionalism.

That...I agree with completely. Wink
They are kids-in-transsition, early 20 somethings, it was a critical point in the game, and it's easy to see how things got a little crazy. The Southern Miss kid should've slid, perhaps could have avoided the tag as the throw was high, but it looked to me like he raised his elbow as the catcher put the tag on and his arms may've been raised by the catcher tagging underneath them.

On replays, I thought ejection was a little over the top, announcer Brian Jordan should've watched the tape a little closer before pronouncing guilt, over and over, and the catcher was just pumped. If you're an FSU fan, you love the catcher; USM fans saw it as a little much, but they won so it's forgotten.

Great great ball game. Why in the world aren't more college game televised? We catch a few ACC and SEC games on the Fox regional sports package, but college baseball is a great spectator sport-with metal bats, it's never over and the player and crowd enthusiasm is totally different from MLB.
Originally posted by justbaseball:
On top of that, the Florida dugout emptied on to the field...not a good reflection of the coaches or the program.

Thats a little harsh isn't it? 20-year old kids do nutty things. I wouldn't jump to a conclusion on anyone so easily.

The reason it's accurate, is that the coaches led the charge out of the dugout, right up to the home plate ump, the players just followed.

That's why it's not a good reflection of the coaches or the program.
The reason it's accurate, is that the coaches led the charge out of the dugout, right up to the home plate ump, the players just followed.

I dunno. You might(?) be right. The way I saw it was the coach was on his way to the plate to argue about the forearm until he realized the umpire had taken care of it and some of his players were a few steps behind. Yeah, they should know better, but it was an emotional game with a lot on the line. No, not the best image for that team at all. Didn't hit me too well either when I saw it the first time. But I'm not ready to make a leap to an indictment of the whole program.

Some of the instantaneous emotion is what I love about college baseball.

I can tell you this. If someone had a video camera on me for some of my emotional times at age 20 I doubt I'd be too proud of it. Wait! Maybe that isn't the best example to use!? Eek
Last edited by justbaseball
I agree I wish more college game made it to TV each year.Maybe feature one game a week on ESPN or something; at the least maybe televise a big prospect(like ackley or strasburg or just a rivalry game) so we can get to know them like we do in football or hoops.

The atmosphere in college is so much more lively then an MLB game. I love going to oklahoma state for games each year.
CPLZ, I tend to fall in your camp regarding the play. First of all, I thought the runner raised his HANDS and kind of pushed at the catcher, but maybe I'm wrong. But not only was the runner taunted by F bombs by the catcher, I saw the pitcher, who was backing up the play, come up to the downed runner and let loose on him. I don't know, but the way the play happened, and watching the Fla player's response, I was rooting for So Miss to win the game.
I watched it, and this is what I saw.
Runner charging towards home, Catcher catching the ball from the RF up the line about 10 to 12 feet.
No place for the runner to go, to faraway to slide.
Runner more are less just braced for the hit by lowering shoulder.
Catcher Braced also, then shoved mitt into runner.
pushing the elbow up in the air.

Runner could of tried to stop completely and just take the tag.
But tried to make it to the plate, Nothing malicious was intended by the runner.
Catcher seeing that the runner was not going to stop put on the hard tag, thats OK. Thats the price you pay for not stopping when you were clearly out.
But I don't blame either player, they were just playing hard baseball.

Overeaction yes, It was the heat of the battle.

We replayed it a few times in slo-mo, and came to the conclusion that the catcher made a excellent textbook play, then ruined it's appreciation for everyone. The only thing the ump got right was the out call. I guess they will both be enjoying the CWS from the comfort of their living room. I too became a USM and Corky(slowest walk to the mound ever) fan after that.
Originally posted by itsrosy:
CPLZ, I tend to fall in your camp regarding the play. First of all, I thought the runner raised his HANDS and kind of pushed at the catcher, but maybe I'm wrong. But not only was the runner taunted by F bombs by the catcher, I saw the pitcher, who was backing up the play, come up to the downed runner and let loose on him. I don't know, but the way the play happened, and watching the Fla player's response, I was rooting for So Miss to win the game.

Me too! That was the point where there became no doubt who I was cheering for!
Originally posted by TRhit:
Don't agree !

I like that type of aggressiveness and response when the opposing player got run

My son played with the catcher at Clemson, was very quiet, I guess he's changed. Roll Eyes Although I don't agree 100%, the catcher could have walked away with no comment but that's how you play the game folks at teh upper levels, be prepared, you don't get very far by being a nice guy on the field. Don't think that those scouts didn't take notice, and not in a negative way.

As far as the coach leading the charge, that's not his style, but he did teach my son most of what he knows, and it wasn't to be a nice guy when he takes the field. Smile

As much as we wanted to see KO go to Omaha after his second year of being HC, He's been there, he'll get another chance someday as a HC, the SMU retiring and going to Omaha, is a special story.
These conversations are rarely one way, perhaps you/we are just seeing one end of the conversation? Perhaps the "punk" is just responding to another players provacation?

Come on...TCU is down 2-0 in the first and you think the pitcher is talking smack from the mound to the 5 hole hitter? That was all about Texas being ticked off the upstart TCU boys beating them last night and Texas "showing them".
Tx-Husker - You could be right, you could be wrong. I don't know, you don't either.

You used the word "punk." Its not a good term. Someone used it once to describe my son on a local HS message board. And while I won't try and act like a naive parent who doesn't have a clue...they used it after thinking they saw something that they interpreted 100% incorrectly. Thankfully, the coach of the other team (this was in HS) came on the board and corrected the record.

That won't happen here...but its a word I wouldn't ever use to describe someone in a less than 10 second clip with no context whatsoever.

Think about it.
Last edited by justbaseball
I stand corrected...he may not be a punk. I don't know him. But he acted like a punk on national TV for 10 seconds and the camera's caught it.

Not to read into Spizzle's point when he started this thread, but what I thought he was getting at is act with someone is watching at all times because someone is. ESPN was tonight as well.
TX-Husker - I saw it too....I thought about rewinding the DVR to try to make out the words that were being spoken by the young man who hit the home run but decided against it..... I don't think he was saying "Have a nice day!" but maybe he was. Wink

There is probably some history there or something said previously....don't know why you would have that much to say about a solo home run.
Last edited by cheapseats
don't know why you would have that much to say about a solo home run

Exactly. Act like you've been there and done it before...which Keyes has many times before by the way! According to a UT blog site, "He stood at home plate and held his bat a little too long for TCU's liking, and Keyes was doing some jawing with Lockwood and his teammates as he crossed home plate."
Last edited by Tx-Husker
Originally posted by Tx-Husker:
I stand corrected...he may not be a punk.

I am glad you took that back. You are an adult, these are kids.
This is the same thing like when a pitcher goes after a hitter, you have no clue what has or has not transpired before you saw something.

Personally, I don't think these players really care if ESPN has the camara on them or not. Right or wrong, this game is played with emotion, if you got to think about the world watching (except for those that count), you are never gonna get where you wanna get to.

That's just my opinion.
Last edited by TPM
...the catcher could have walked away with no comment but that's how you play the game folks at the upper levels, be prepared, you don't get very far by being a nice guy on the field...but he did teach my son most of what he knows, and it wasn't to be a nice guy when he takes the field.

To me, this is an accurate description of how the game is often competed at higher levels. The stories I could tell...many of us could tell...about the game inside the game that no one in the stands ever sees.

I like classy behavior and respect for the game as much as anyone. But there are times when an on-field reaction reflects an awful lot more than the naked eye sees. That can be a bad reflection on the player you see...or it could be a very appropriate reaction to something you don't know anything about.

All I can say about either of these incidents on TV is that these are two (three if you count the USM baserunner) very competitive individuals. Anything else is nothing more than a guess.
Last edited by justbaseball

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