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A question?

We hold on to my sons mail that comes to the house and last night I found a letter from his school marked "tax information" that inadvertently was tossed in his pile. After reading it, I may have screwed up, but I'm not sure in what direction.

My taxes are in, and my wife and daughters have taken care of the spoils. My question is if the IRS considers scholarship money income if I'm claiming my son as a dependent. The form indicated a total school costs, the scholarship amount, and the out of pocket costs. Can someone give a poor guy who despises taxes to begin with a simplified answer.

I went to some IRS sites to try to find the answer and basically could only find something called the taxpayers releive act, lifetime learning credit, and hope scholarship credit.

I have a feeling the guy who (use to) does my taxes "cheap" is in the same gene pool as myself and I may be filing ammendments soon.

I hate the feeling of stupidity that costed me 8 hours of sleep last night.
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We have ours done and filed already! Ironically, we seem to pay a lot for my daughter due to her stocks. However, it is an investment in the future. I'm thankful that my wife always gets this job done since I'm in baseball. Bless her heart, she puts up with me and does all of the work on the home front. I wouldn't trade her for anything.
Last edited by CoachB25
Guys- First of all- any scholarship money that is taxable is your SONS' income, not yours (doesn't matter if he's YOUR dependant- under 24 and in school)It is best to file a return for HIM lower tax bracket)instead of adding it to your return.
Tuition expenses (out of pocket) are not "deductable" per say...- you may claim Hope or Lifetime Learning expenses if you pay these fees.
If "Tuition" is covered in your scholarship- you may not claim these. You can't claim reimbursement for what you don't pay.
It really boils down to - you must claim Room and Board and any allowance monies as income.

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