I am 14 years old and going into my sophmore year of high school. I am only throwing about 70 and need to gain velocity. Is the 16 week driveline offseason program good for gaining velocity. I also need tips on lifitng as well
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Unless you are thinking of attending the in person training sessions I would advise a different approach. At your age I believe you would benefit from more personal attention from a good local instructor. I don’t see the point of expensive, pitcher specific training at your stage of the game. Are you a better pitcher or position player? Do you even know for sure?? My advice on the pitching side would be to find a good local instructor (which will take some research) that aligns with Tom House and follow Tom’s program on the TeamMustard app. Until you are thru growing your focus should be on developing good mechanics and a repeatable delivery. Not on velocity. Especially DO NOT go to a “velocity camp” where all focus is on throwing hard. Many of these are money grabs that are conducted by guys that aren’t qualified to be running them. Any gains are usually short term and there are lots of arm injuries that are a result of these clinics. Get your mechanics right first and the velocity will follow. Its more important to learn how to pitch. Develop a change up and learn how to command it. That will serve you better than anything else you can do. I know how a lot of 14 year olds think so before you dismiss my comments as being from “some old dude” you might want to read my bio.
Listen to adbono's advice. No-one on the internet knows your body type, and thus can't advise the best way for you to do things. You need someone who can work with you in-person for what is best for you. If you are 14 and a rising sophomore, you are young for your grade. Don't push too hard to be like 16-year-olds, especially without in-person supervision.
Do you have a HS or travel coach who can help with lifting?