Originally Posted by FortWorthBaseball:
I think it's the program. The free program really doesn't have them throwing ploy balls and all the drills. I would highly suggest buying the book. It's not that much and the wealth of knowledge you will game from it is well worth it.
I think you can make every excuse in the world why not to do it. But a good program like Driveline, Texas baseball ranch, or Pitching Armory isn't going to work unless you're dedicated to putting the work in when others are on the couch. A program is only a guideline you have to commit to excelender and out work the nation.
The hard work part is so true. My son is doing the Driveline remote training, which utilizes all the weighted and plyo ball exercises. It's work every single day, but he is getting stronger, feeling more confident and is never sore after an outing.
Good luck!