Here's the situation. HS rules. Runner on first, one out, two strikes on the batter. Batter swings at a nasty curve in the dirt. Ball bounces off catcher towards first base, but in foul territory. Batter throws bat and runs to first, thinking he can run to first. Runner on first runs to second. As my catcher runs to get the ball, the bat hits the ball (about 10 feet from home plate) and the ball bounces away a bit so my catcher can't make a play. The umps say the batter is out since first base is occupied, but they let the runner stay at second.
I said its interference and the umps disagree, saying its incidental and the ball is in play. I say that since he struck out swinging, he should've held onto the bat (or maybe at worst, dropped it at the plate). I can't say 100% that he threw the bat at the ball, but either way, the bat shouldn't be ten feet from the plate. I argue that it should be a dead ball and R1 has to return to first. They disagree....
Obviously, its a "had to be there", but what do you think?
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