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As a team you come up with funny sayings, nicknames, and encouragements. On my team to turn a double play we say "Ham and eggs, turn it over guys" and for encouragement we have shortened "Come on babe" to "Hum babe" something stupid but it stuck. I was wondering what other sayings players are saying across the country.
-BD Karma Thread Starter
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Introduced in 1884, Moxie was the original soft drink in the United States. In fact, the word “moxie,” which means “energy” or “pep,” originated with the Moxie soft drink brand.

In 1957, baseball legend Ted Williams promoted the drink and continued as a Moxie spokesperson for several years.

Bet your coach was a Ted Williams fan........also on ebay now and then you can find some tin Moxie advertising signs with Ted on them......
We started a tradition several years ago. Every kid once he proved himself to the coaches as a team guy in other words hard working dedicated kid he got a nickname. The nickname was given by the coaches only and none of the players have ever be told why they had that name untill after they graduated. Once the kid gets his name all the players and coaches call the player by his new name. Several have gone on to have license plates with their name and have no idea why they are called what they are. One of our guys was drafted a few years back and on his rookie card his nickname was put on it. Matt "Gab" Harrison. His nickname came from the fact that he was so quiet and never talked as a Fresh and Soph. So he was given the nickname "Gab" for gabs all the time a slang for talking too much. Nicknames have included "Goat" "Spanky" "Lizard" etc. During games its kind of funny when you hear 15 guys yelling come on "Raptor" hit a seed. The other teams look at us like were crazy. Players have learned that you dont ask why you are called what you are called. They know that they will not be told untill they graduate. But they always ask "Coach when am I going to get a nickname". Several times I have actually forgotten kids first names. I call them by their new name so much for so long you just forget. When you see them a couple of years after they graduate you just remember them as "possum". The players love it , it is very special to them that they have been given a new name and have been accepted into the fraternity. Just though I would share that with you guys.
BD2579 - our guys also turned to the food channel for inspiration.

Last summer a couple of our kids started yelling out for their batting teammates to 'mash a tater'. This quickly turned into a shortened shout of 'mashed taters'.

Pretty soon 'mashed taters' took on a life of it's own with the kids and evolved into shouts of meals, desserts and such. It was not uncommon to be at one of our games and hear from the dugout, "C'mon now, let's see some pumpkin pie!" or "Hey let's go kid, how 'bout a little turkey and dressing". Some games would turn into an outdo-the-other guy fiasco of a menu.

Strangest thing was I always left the games hungry...... Big Grin
Last edited by Frozen Ropes GM
We also have a nickname type deal.Its just random earned or given very early on.

I got the name "goose" because of two reasons.Coach was thinking of top gun the night before.Also my last name sounds like its eastern european(they said it sounds like goostav)so I got the name Goose.Whats weird is I like it

My personal favorite is sandlot.A pitcher/OF on our team had just gotten elbow surgeary and couldnt throw,so He had to run the ball in,like on the sandlot.It just stuck

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