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by DD: "where do I go to get my reputation back"
even thru the initial embarassment, those guys really handled themselves well
I read where they had reached a confidential settlement with Duke, now add 5 or 10 million more and PRESTO - the reputaion is right back where it belongs

don't forget the book deal & TV mini-series Smile

and the judge should sentence Nifong to be their "butler"
Last edited by Bee>
Originally posted by deldad:
Still no apology from the Duke professors and administration, the members of the student body who protested and Mr Jackson and Mr Sharpton.

I wouldn't hold your breath...

If only Jackson & Sharpton were as quick to apologize as they are to accuse.

Shame Nifong got off so easy. The disbarring was a minimum. Should have served much more than one day behind bars.

Hopefully the civil suits will take him to the cleaners for some time to come.
Last edited by Texan
It's humorous, in a sickening sort of way, to hear Al Sharpton call anyone else "racist" (see, Don Imus). If this isn't, "the pot calling the kettle black" (pun intended)...

This isn't even Al's first reactionary seems, some years ago, he falsely accused some Boston youths of committing numerous unspeakable acts against a black girl, who later admitted Al put her up to make those knowingly false accusations.

IMO, Al Sharpton ought to have the cell right next to Nifong's.
These kids names will never be 100% clear. As one of the accused stated, I will always be "Reid Seligman, falsely accused rapist."

There is a lesson for all high school and college athletes to learn since they are somewhat public figures. Every Duke player at that party is guilt of being stupid. They were in violation of the Duke code of conduct. They created an environment that blew up in their face. I say this knowing full well I did equally stupid things as a college athlete.

If we only had the wisdom when we had the youth.
Last edited by TG
Originally posted by 55mom:
cry me a river.....

Oh, I'm sure those boys will share those funds with all the other falsely accused across the nation - some of whom have served jail time. imo, this is a frivilous lawsuit. The three are already millionaires because of it. Duke has turned a blind eye to party central for years. They should be held responsible for their role. Unfortunately, the parties have continued. Unbelieveable.

Nifong has got what he deserved. Jesse and Al are still the same old publicity hounds. I think those two should be sued, not the town of Durham.

It was a frivilous charge. When the incident occured Nilfong was up for re-election before a primarily black electorate. He made a PC move to gain re-election. Amazing how the desire for power can corrupt!

As for the kid's reputations, there isn't enough money in the world to buy back a reputation.

You're right about party central. From what I understand the lacrosse team had a reputation. That's why I accuse them of being stupid.

As for Sharpton and Jackson, "hounds" is too nice. I see them as media wh***s (rhymes with doors).
Last edited by TG
by 55mom: Duke has turned a blind eye to party central for years. They should be held responsible for their role. Unfortunately, the parties have continued. Unbelieveable
are U suggesting college parties should be a no-no??

if that's your crusade I'm behind ya ... waaay behind ya!! Eek

btw, there is a legislative movement in MANY states to bring the drinking age back to 18 for beer ..

they feel that "State's Rights" were infringed when the Fed (Liz Dole) intimidated the states by withholding fed highway dollars to those who didn't comply with 21 yrs

they may have a point
Last edited by Bee>
Originally posted by 55mom:
Reade gives himself way too much credit. As long as he keeps his name in the news I guess I will remember his name.
I'll give Seligman credit for something. The kid has grown up very well off. He attended a very snooty private school in New Jersey. The joke in NJ is the first course these kids take is "I'm Better Than You 101." Yet, one of his revelations when this was over was, "What if his family didn't have the resources and money to defend him?"

He talked about something needed to be done for people not from the same circumstances as he. He became aware innocent people are found guilty due to lack of resources. He said he wanted to make a difference. I believe part of the lawsuit requests reforms in the judicial process in Durham.
Last edited by TG
Nice post 55mom. I concur that lawsuits are rarely a good idea, and they are surely over-rated when it comes to finding redemption. In this case - they have already been exonerated - it will likely rekindle some fires that are better left as soot. These kids didn't deserve to be publicly disgraced, but it happened and they dealt with it. All involved should now move on with their respective lives. Money will not help them regain any lost respect, only future actions can do that. This is the wrong action. (not being wealthy myself, I could be totally wrong in some circles about that last bit. LOL.)

And BTW, the system ultimately works! Nifong is jailed and the kids are free. What are you going to fix?

And thank you 55 for the reminder that there are many, many more serious injustices in the world that go mainly unnoticed by our readers. A tarnished reputation that can be repaired is one thing, a life lost for ever is another thing entirely.
Last edited by spizzlepop
by spzlpp: And BTW, the system ultimately works! Nifong is jailed and the kids are free. What are you going to fix? ... there are many, many more serious injustices in the world that go mainly unnoticed by our readers.(the system doesn't work too well)
that's an interesting take

the system worked in this case ONLY because those kids had some resources & refused to be intimidated

maybe a $30 mill slap on the wrist will result in more oversite on those that manipulate or abuse the system
Last edited by Bee>
If only Jackson & Sharpton were as quick to apologize as they are to accuse.

It is all about credibility. How can you be credible when you make a mistake you dont admit it? Sharpton Jackson and those professors and administrators at Duke who jumped all over these young men because basically that is what they do. Especially Jackson and Sharpton. I am sure the next time a situation arises where Jesse and Al show up the media and the cameras will be there. Kind of tells you something.
Duke players file federal suit
Durham et al DO NOT reach proposed $30 million settlement Confused

AND .. HBO buys movie rights

hmmm, jury awards woman $10 mil because her co-workers use locker-room language (huh? they worked in a locker-room )

Durham should's happily wrote 'em a check for twice what they were asking - it would be cheaper than the eventual outcome

who REALLY WINS? all them lawyers Frown
Last edited by Bee>

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