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Second & Third, 2 out. GB to 3b, both runners going on pitch, runner from 2nd stops a few feet short of thirdbaseman who fielded ball. He decides to take the runner from 2b but has to chase a few feet, runner from 3rd scores in the interim. I assume no RBI since it was a FC, is the run earned?
An educated man went to visit a Zen master. He wished to learn what the Zen master knew. The master invited him in for tea and listened as his visitor told of his outstanding education. As the visitor talked on and on about his long and valuable education, the Zen master began pouring more tea for the man, until his cup was overflowing and the tea was spilling onto the man and onto the floor. “Stop,” the man said, “My cup is already too full; it cannot hold anymore.” “Yes,” said the Zen Master.
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Originally posted by Yankeelvr:
Second & Third, 2 out. GB to 3b, both runners going on pitch, runner from 2nd stops a few feet short of thirdbaseman who fielded ball. He decides to take the runner from 2b but has to chase a few feet, runner from 3rd scores in the interim. I assume no RBI since it was a FC, is the run earned?

Why no RBI?

A run batted in is a statistic credited to a batter whose action at bat causes one or more runs to score, as set forth in this Rule 10.04.
(a) The official scorer shall credit the batter with a run batted in for every run that Scores
(1) unaided by an error and as part of a play begun by the batter’s safe hit (including the batter’s home run), sacrifice bunt, sacrifice fly, infield out or fielder’s choice, unless Rule 10.04(b) applies;

Unless there was an error, a passed ball, or a defensive interference that allowed the inning to continue or the runner that scored to get on, the run is earned.
Please don’t take this as an insult because it isn’t. I commend you for at least asking a question that most people wouldn’t bother with. Most people haven’t actually read a rule book, let along the section on scoring, which in OBR is 10.00. Its really not all that much reading.

If you go to you’ll see a document I put together a couple years ago that you might find helpful.

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