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here's my deal. My son is class of 2011. He currently is 6'4" and 215#, believe it or not he is primarily a catcher, but everyone sees him pitching. He wants to go Ivy League, Harvard first choice. We attended the harvard camp this past summer, haven't gotten the eval yet, but I don't think many of the coaches paid too much attention to the non-seniors. We won't be able to attend camps in 2010 after about the first of July. Other than a skills video being sent to the coaches, which camps are best to get the exposure to those schools...
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My son went to three camps. The coaches that recruited him were at all three. PG National Academic. Top 96 Northeast Academic. HeadFirst Honor Roll Virginia. HeadFirst was by far the best. More coaches there but its the first week of August. The new recruiting coordinator at Harvard is probably the nicest guy we met all summer. He was at all three but he worked for MIT at the time. Call him up. He has your son's eval and he will be honest even if he didn't see your son personally. Great guy to know.

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