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Originally posted by pbbh-a:
I read in the paper that PA committed 3 errors...anyone have any details on that part of the game?

Beemer had a throwing error and so did Alex at second base, I believe that the lefty that came in to pitch late also had a throwing error...but they also made some great defensive plays or the score would have been ever more lopsided....
Want to congratulate FC on a great job yesterday! Also to my nephew who plays for FC--what a great season. PA actually committed 6 errors in the game and definitely was not playing the way the have played all year. Austin W. --geat job pitching--- hanging in there for 6 innings and holding PA to only 4 runs! FC great job offfensively---PA had to go to their #5 pitcher to get the FC players out!

Know both teams will represent us well in the states. Does anyone know who FC and PA plays on Tuesday?
FC definitely had a great game and not taking anything away from that; but to clarify the pitching situation:
Dan Hudson was on a pitch count since he will be starting on Tuesday. After his first inning, when he had the ball up a bit he was doing fine.He was not taken out because he was being hit.
Zack Woods left the game with an injury to his pitching shoulder. So it was great that the other pitchers were able to get in the game and be a part of the regional tournament
Zack Woods pitched Wednesday, I'm not sure how many pitches he threw but it must have been at least 85-90. Than on two days rest he comes back and pitches again. This is a young man who less than two years ago wasn't sure if he would be able to pitch again. This was not a wise move. Players need to know when to say NO to there coaches. They also need to know how many pitches they should throw in a game. They need to know how many days rest they should have between starts, depending on how many pitches they throw. Guys this is a high school game you have much more baseball to play, don't ruin it on a high school game. IF YOU DON'T TAKE CARE OF YOUR ARM NO ONE ELSE WILL
Last edited by doc
He was trying to win a regional championship thats what he was doing. He was also trying to save his team from having to drive 4 hours to play a game and then drive another 4 hours back afterwards. Hudson was on a 50 pitch pitch count. He came out right when he hit that limit. If he would have stayed in the game I dont think that it would have gotten so out of hand because he was starting to settle in after a rough first inning when he was leaving the ball up in the zone. He didnt want him to go to long without throwing in a game so it was pretty much just a bullpen. PA tied it up in the third inning when Hudson came out so Coach Hunt wanted to put his team in a position to win a regional championship and unfortunately it backfired on them this time. Hopefully they got this out of their way and they have a great state tournament this week
basballislife, coach Hunt is one of the better coaches in Hampton Roads and you won't meet a nicer person. My question isn't why Hudson pitched it's why Woods pitched on 2 days rest. That was putting the boys arm at risk no matter what anyone says. I hope it's only a rumor that he left the game because of soreness in his shoulder. Like I said this is only a high school game regional championship or whatever it's HS nothing more. The young man has a future at the next level.

I understand your concern but ask this question...has he done this before with his pitchers?

My reason is that throwing him on 2 days rest just once in a season is not as bad as it may seem. If it were a pattern, there is reason for concern. If it were the first time, then it poses no extra risk to his arm.

I don't know the answer and I assume you don't either. Just asking...

You are correct why would a coach take a chance and pitch his top 2 pitchers. Sure Hudson was on a 50 pitch count but that does that count what he throw in the bullpen and between innings? I bet he throw closer to 100 pitches when you add them all up. Hopefully Zach Woods is alright and will be able to pitch the second game. Goodluck to both teams Tuesday night.

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