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Lake Taylor lost a heartbreaker yesterday to Norfolk Collegiate 3-2. They were much better than I expected. lefty Pitcher on the mound for them had college leavel changeup that fooled many of our batters. Umpire was absolutely terrible as strike zone was up early then down by the ankle later in the game.

For Lake Taylor, Justin Erby pitched a complete game giving up only 2 ER as 2B and SS made crutial errors during 6th inning. Bottom 7 LT had men on 1B and 3B with one out and last 2 batters K'd.
Originally posted by rlscosta:
Lake Taylor lost a heartbreaker yesterday to Norfolk Collegiate 3-2. They were much better than I expected. lefty Pitcher on the mound for them had college leavel changeup that fooled many of our batters. Umpire was absolutely terrible as strike zone was up early then down by the ankle later in the game.

For Lake Taylor, Justin Erby pitched a complete game giving up only 2 ER as 2B and SS made crutial errors during 6th inning. Bottom 7 LT had men on 1B and 3B with one out and last 2 batters K'd.

Luckily it wasn't an in-District game. It's surprising that they lost this one. Hopefully something was learned from it.

I would have paid to see the look on Steve's face.
Lake Taylor beats Norcom 8-2. Boy I hate playing at Norcom...all the way back in 2005 when my first son started at LT, every game we play at their field, we take a 6-0 or 7-0 lead in the first inning and then we stop hitting. By the time 7th inning comes around the game is usually tight...never fails. Same story last night when we got up 6-0, offense just got cold and Norcom's lefty was a good one.

Andre Costa got the win throwing a complete game and the Erby's were enough offense to win. Scorekeeper was really generous as I counted easily 4 errors for Lake Taylor and in today's paper it only showed 1. Up next is Booker T. Friday.
Originally posted by rlscosta:
...Can you say too early for that?

Not if they have been throwing during the winter. Steve Gray is a pitcher and knows what he is doing. Also, the weather has been very warm.

I would be more concerned with Kelly throwing 100 pitches in 5 innings in a 11-0 win. If he can't be efficient against BTW...
Last edited by redbird5
Not being tough on Coach Gray at all. I respect the men and me and him coached together for years, so I'm a Steve Gray supporter. Only saying that with the pitching staff LT has should be no reason every pitcher should be throwing a complete game this early. We have had some kids with arm issues in the last few years so as a former catcher, I am cautious with 15-18 year olds with high pitch counts.

LT loses to Maury yesterday 6-3. Taylor Erby hits his second bomb of the year. Justin Erby pitched great but doesn't look like he was ready to throw in the first inning as he gave up 2 runs in the bottom of the inning and then settled in.

Problem yesterday was LT had 3 hits (Scott Keating, Andre Costa, Taylor Erby) and 5 errors...not a good combination...and again our pitcher threw a complete game.

We have Granby on Friday so hopefully our number 1 pitcher, Taylor is back for that one.
Last edited by rlscosta

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