With the economy as it is now will more student/athletes make the decision to take the JUCO route due to the low cost of an education for two years? When crunching the numbers I noticed that a good academic student (could attend and play at Stanford, Duke, Vanderbilt, Notre Dame, etc...) that was offered a 25% scholarship ($50,000.00 tuition) would still be expected to pay $37,500.00 per academic year. If the family could pay $20,000.00 per year without any loans the family would still owe $17,500.00 each year and $70,000.00 after four academic years. Should the student/athlete attend a JUCO where they had little if any cost and then transfer to the academic D1 school? After playing for two seasons at the JUCO one would think that the scholarship offer would increase to 50% due to experiene at the college level, which would cost the family $25,000.00 per year and if they could still pay $20,000.00 per academic year that would be a loan of $10,000.00 to pay back after graduation. Would this not be a smart gamble?
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