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Assuming we're talking about an ordinary high school student, and not one who is simultaneously taking courses at both HS and JC, then I'm not aware of any problem with working out. I think that is true for both HS and college. However, the rules probably vary by state......

In California, a high school player loses eligiblity permanently if he participates in an inter-collegiate contest. So the player needs to avoid a situation in which there is any kind of scrimmage, etc, between colleges. You would need to check with your own state to see if it has more restrictive rules.

A player's NCAA eligibility may be affected if he greyshirts and works out with any college team (as well as some others). By greyshirting, I mean the player delays starting college past the fall following his HS senior year.

In California, JC recruiting is pretty wide open if the player lives in the JC's district or a contiguous district. I don't think that working out would trigger any recruiting violation for that JC.

Note that the situation is completely different for D1 colleges. There, working out with the team could be considered a tryout. That's not legal.

But why not ask your HS Athletic Director? And the coach or AD at the JC? Perhaps the situation is different in your state.

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