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I know this is a topic covered in the Recruiting Information section, and that it recommends sending an actual letter, but I'm not sure when that was written. I also searched the forums for info, but all of the threads seem to be older.  Currently, it seems everyone talks about sending emails, so what is the best course when contacting coaches?


If you're a coach, with regards to a player introduction, would you prefer to receive an actual letter or an email?

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Originally Posted by CatsPop:

I would think it would be easy to only partially read, misplace or even disregard an email.  Try not to read a personal, handwritten note - it's impossible.

I understand your comment about a letter but a letter is also easier to misplace. At least an email will/can be retained very easily. I always put my son's name in the Subject line-year of graduation-and position played  Ex. John Doe-2015-RHP

Last edited by RedFishFool

Midlo Dad - the reference to using actual letters is in the Recruiting Section -  


I agree that email is the new norm.  I just wanted to make sure after I'd read the page from above.  My son already emails with a few, but that was after meeting them in person.  I just wanted to make sure that "cold calls" go the same way.  


Thanks to all for your replies.

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