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Well, it's finally here. My sons have finally reached home and ended their high school baseball days. They had an amazing run this year but finally lost in the 3A championship game. Congratulations to Episcipal of Jacksonville, they were a s****** team that just wouldn't go away. The pain of this game will linger for a bit but someday they'll realize how difficult it is just to get there. Time as they say heals all wounds and some day they will look back and only remember the great times and plays that got them there. I as a parent have learned an awful lot this year. Here is a short list. No matter the size of the kid they're just kids dealing with tremendous pressure. No kid goes out there trying to do badly in fact it's their trying to do better for their teammates that sometimes causes mistakes but it's the love for their brothers that fuels them. Coaches will always be one decision away from becoming either a goat or a lion and only the baseball gods decide how it will turn out. I would like to thank (publicly)the coaching staff of Florida Christian School, Coach Ernie Padron, Bill Lima, Abel Alonso, Ralphie and Candy Miranda who after promissing my boys a ring couldn't look me in the eye as if he'd let us down. Coaches hold your heads high, we didn't get the ring but my sons leave with something that is priceless, a better education (qualified for Florida brights and have been accepted to FIU), 22 brothers, extended families, 4 mentors who always treated them with respect and a season full of memories, the greatest double play high school combo I've ever seen in SS Ryan Jackson and 2B Kyle Radsiewski, the determination of LHP Brian Morgado and RHP Shane Hill, the grittiness of 3B Arty Alonso, the scrappiness and lighning reflexes of LA LA C Chris Leon, the quiet leadership of 1B Ray Menedez, the sweetness of a CF Stevie Rodriguez catch (they say 3/4 of the earth is covered by water the other 1/4 is covered by Stevie) and the emergence of RF Mike Bravo a true gentelmen. I got to see my son Chris hit a walk off in the bottom of the ninth (every kids dream)igniting the greatest celebration of the year and my son Ivan come back from an almost career ending knee injury to make a diving catch in total disregard for that same injury just to help his team win. Ivan will go on to study Business and Chris hopefully will get a chance to continue to play ball and as for me all I lose is baseball but I still have my boys. Good luck to all.
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