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I live in New York and have never been able to listen to or watch a Giants game on their broadcast. I've watched hundreds of Sunday Night Baseball games in my life and can honestly say that I have either toned out the announcers or completely muted the sound completely. The few times that I have heard Miller I don't really think he's too bad. He has good insight and might be a bit over the top in his descriptions of play, but overall he is pleasant to listen to. But Joe Morgan makes watching/listening to the game unenjoyable. I am very happy that ESPN made the decision to let him go and am really hoping that no station that covers games I will be watching in the future picks him up, because I really can't stand him.
I'll sure miss Jon Miller. Morgan, yeah, I guess it might be good for change. Dan Schulman is very good.

Valentine is a goof. But he may know his baseball.

Herscheiser? I can hear it now...

Orel: "Wow, Aroldis Chapman just threw that pitch 103 mph. If that were from a Major League distance, it would be like 275 mph."

Dan: "Uh, Orel, we're not in Williamsport anymore."
I think Jon Miller is wonderful and wish he was back with my O's. Miller in my book is one of the best. His voice sounds like it is smoothly poured from a bottle of fine wine. Just a great voice and his stories of going to games as a kid in San Fransisco are wonderful as you can still hear the little kid's fascination in his voice. I'll miss him.

Morgan? He got on my nerves at times, but I tolerated him to listen to Jon Miller.
Miller will reappear somewhere. He is too good, popular, and respected. Possibly Fox or MLB channel?

Morgan. Not so much.

Just like any good team, I think this was a case of the sum being more than the parts. They worked well together, and I could tolerate Morgan when he was working with Miller. We shall see what the future brings.
Miller will reappear somewhere. He is too good, popular, and respected. Possibly Fox or MLB channel?[/quote]

Miller is to broadcast games for ESPN Radio. I too liked his voice and had not tired of him. Twenty years of Joe Morgan is way too long. He always seemed to have an agenda: promote opportunities for more Black managers in baseball (perhaps a good thing but tired of hearing about it from him) and staying politically correct in his comments regarding players or their performance.

I want to know what the former Pro ballplayer sitting in that chair is really thinking about the game situations as they arise.

Change can be good.
Glad to see Joe go.... the worst was when they had him in Omaha several years ago. He spent all his time dissing the college game; couldn't ever figure out why he thought people watching a college game would want to hear that...
I always figured Miller should go to the HOF based on the fact he never tried to strangle Joe and always played second fiddle to him even when Joe made the most ignorant of comments

Miller will be back on ESPN I'd bet (maybe he'll have to take less money; there is a lot of that going around)
I am SO glad they finally got rid of that horrible duo. Miller might be tolerable with someone else. Maybe. But Morgan was so irritating to me, I finally got to either watching with the tv muted, or turned off entirely. As I said to my husband during the WS, the only thing worse than listening to McCarver for hours on end, would be having he and Morgan teamed up! Two insufferable color guys! Aaaack!
Originally posted by emeraldvlly:
As I said to my husband during the WS, the only thing worse than listening to McCarver for hours on end, would be having he and Morgan teamed up! Two insufferable color guys! Aaaack!

How's this for a broadcast dream team:

Joe Buck with Joe Morgan and Steve Phillips?

Wow, I can't even imagine how agonizing that would be.

How about a dream team of Miller, Morgan, McCarver, and the guy who does the Mariners - can't recall the name, but he sounds exactly like "Squidward" from Sponge Bob Squarepants. I don't know if he is knowledgeable and insightful, because I can't get past the voice. (and I almost never watch the M's)

I am open to Miller being decent - I am assuming he's capable of it because of the accolades he's gotten. But when he works with Morgan, and Hershiser (sp?), he is so obsequious it makes me want to hurl.
Originally posted by OnWabana:
Originally posted by emeraldvlly:
As I said to my husband during the WS, the only thing worse than listening to McCarver for hours on end, would be having he and Morgan teamed up! Two insufferable color guys! Aaaack!

How's this for a broadcast dream team:

Joe Buck with Joe Morgan and Steve Phillips?

Wow, I can't even imagine how agonizing that would be.


I think you have discovered that the eternal hot place may exist for baseball fans that don't observe the unwritten rules of the game.

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