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$$$$161,000,000.00 dollars

AND they're pushing hard to sign at least two of Burnett, Lowe, and Sheets???

It's absolutely absurd that a team can spend that kind of money so far in excess of the rest of the league's peasants.

Wall Street and banking were long pushed as working best in a "free market", where the invisible market forces magically brought about ethical results, and fair dealings for all. Turns out that didn't work, because human beings aren't perfect, many are downright greedy, many have no shame whatsoever (cue tape of Illinois Governor here), and some regulation is needed to keep the big (and little)boys honest.

Do we think maybe baseball will see the results of unregulated spending and wise up?

Nah.....first the game has to get really fouled up. Maybe my Orioles will get the first bailout.
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The morgage payment on their new $$$1,300,000,000.00 ball park will be really big. I heard they have $500 box seats. Sounds like a plan. crazy

Prices for the best seats were announced in March, with the Yankees charging $500-$2,500 for tickets near home plate in the first nine rows, contained in 25 sections ringing home plate. In all, the Yankees have sold more than 3,500 of approximately 4,300 premium seats on the field, main and terrace levels, chief operating officer Lonn Trost said Friday.
News item this morning: The Nationals, with a bird's eye view of the national debt, have offered our fair-haired somewhat native child, Teixeira, $160,000,000 over 8 years while our O's have offered a mere $150,000,000 over 7 years. Apparently the Dread Sox and Angels are offering terms in the same neighborhood.

Another concern, aside from greed, inflation,Yankee hatred/envy, etc:

This guy has to "think about it" over these kinds of offers? Good lands kid, pick in which of the four cities you want to play and sign the dang contract. Is any of these four clubs not offering enough money to "feed your family"?

What else could he possibly want? The Owner's wife? Done. Part ownership of the stadium? Done. Plane tickets? Heck, pick an airline kid. The owner's dog? Nah, the line gets drawn there.

How much fun it must be to play Monopoly with real money.

"West coast, or east coast for winners".

Geesh, don't pop my bubble, that leaves out the Orioles-we sure aren't west coast, nor are we east coast winners. You omitted "east coast losers, but with the neatest stadium in baseball and close to your family".

Truth be known, for that kind of money, he could move his entire family, all the way out to third cousins twice removed on his mothers side, and still have enough money to buy a U.S. Senate seat..oh wait, that's in Illinois.
Originally posted by Dad04:
His ERA at Yankee Stadium is over 8. The Yankees outbid the next team by over $$60,0000,000.00 to get him. I don't think he really wanted to go to NY.

He has an opt out clause after three years. The Yankees have basically offerred him a 3 year contract for 60 some million. There is real estate for sale in Florida (underwater) if anyone believes he won't opt out. Obviously, there is built-in insurance for CC. If he should blow out his shoulder before the 3 years are up, I am sure he will be opting in for the remaining years of the contract Smile

It amazes me the double standards for the various sports. No one seems to begrudge Tom Brady or Peyton Manning or Kevin Garnett for the exorbitant sums they get. Pay a baseball player a lot of money and the media and some fans grow indignant
Originally posted by Dad04:
I don't begrudge CC a nickel. I simply hate the Yankees. Smile

I didn't mean to imply that you did Dad04. It was a topic of conversation on Mike&Mike in the morning and never once have I heard those guys question how much a top quarterback makes.

FWIW, I hate the Yankees too Smile Some of their players are hard to hate however such as Rivera and Jeter. CC will be on the no-hate list for me too Smile
Last edited by ClevelandDad
Originally posted by ClevelandDad:
Originally posted by Dad04:
I don't begrudge CC a nickel. I simply hate the Yankees. Smile

I didn't mean to imply that you did Dad04. It was a topic of conversation on Mike&Mike in the morning and never once have I heard those guys question how much a top quarterback makes.

FWIW, I hate the Yankees too Smile Some of their players are hard to hate however such as Rivera and Jeter. CC will be on the no-hate list for me too Smile

I didn't think you thought I begrudge or blame CC for taking the money. I just took the opportunity to proclaim my disdain for the S kankees. Big Grin
Last edited by Dad04
If people did not have the Yankees around to dislike (I don't like the word hate) then there would be no rivalry in this game. If they can spend this kind of money and stay in business, more power to them.

The Yankees are an awesome machine that includes an international merchandise lock, strong network and largest name recognition in all of sports. Why wouldn't they spend to do that?

I find irony that people want the best for themselves in every situation - college scholarship, draft bonus, job security - and when someone lands a huge deal that has never been done before those same people disparage.

Baseball will survive, and like any business the Yankees will fail with their model and have to reinvent or they will keep succeeding. My bet is on the latter.

And of course I am a Rays fan - and we love to beat the Yankees, just because.

Smile Just so I am clear. I harbor no malice in my heart for the folks in the pinstripes, just the pinstripes. crazy

If you put on your toxic waste suit and dug deep enough in my warped mind , I guess you might find that I also root for the Yankees to fail. a parental sense that is. Regardless of what people say, I will be the first to comment that there few, if any organizations that you would rather have your kid involved with. From draft day to the day you're traded , it's first class.

However when the Yanks lured cc to the big apple and out of brew town with an open wallet I had issues. But then they might be giving us a surprise in return. A $400k Melky for a $10m strikeout machine in Cameron. It's still a 162 game season where that 161 mil cc investment has no return to date.
Last edited by Orlando
Originally posted by Backstop-17:
The Yankees are an awesome machine that includes an international merchandise lock, strong network and largest name recognition in all of sports.

Man United might not agree Wink.

This signing, keeping in mind things like his stats in Yankee Stadium as well as his ARod-esque postseason performances, should catch a lot of flak. And it will be exacerbated by the Yankees looking for $400+ mil for a new stadium from the taxpayers.

Wasn't he all over the idea of pitching in the NL just last year?

The guy does seem to be a workhorse; it will be interesting to watch how that progresses. The Yankees are good entertainment....particularly when they spend to sit home in October Cool.

rz, your post reminded me of Fall Instrux in 2007 when the Padres lost the playoff to the Rockies and the following day the coaches were giving a 'pep talk' about the 'disappointment' to the MiLBers. And they would be unhappy when the guys on the Big Club screw up because.....?
rz, your post reminded me of Fall Instrux in 2007 when the Padres lost the playoff to the Rockies and the following day the coaches were giving a 'pep talk' about the 'disappointment' to the MiLBers. And they would be unhappy when the guys on the Big Club screw up because.....? noidea

Confused Now I'm a little confused........which is not uncommon this time of the year I'm told.
rz, you said:

If you put on your toxic waste suit and dug deep enough in my warped mind , I guess you might find that I also root for the Yankees to fail. a parental sense that is.

...and then I noted that the Padres' minor leaguers were bemused when the staff seemed to think they should be down about the Padres losing to the Rockies. As if the success of the guys who hold the jobs they want was their dearest wish.

I saw the relation. Roll Eyes

OK, you're confused & I'm obscure.....
posted by rz1: Regardless of what people say, I will be the first to comment that there few, if any organizations that you would rather have your kid involved with. From draft day to the day you're traded , it's first class.

I can certainly relate and would feel the same way....I think. Smile
Seriously, I understand well they have the best professionals with resources few others have, the best of eveything. I think that is why so many feel as they do. They have more money, rings, trophies, talent, fans and anything else the dominant force has. Such is life. They still have The Freezer, though.
Last edited by Dad04
Point of interest! Check the salaries and bonuses of some of the top CEO's who have run companies into the ground and then were paid a bonus to leave. Now Congress is helping financially to save them! Maybe the Yankee organization could help Congress, since they seem to always have the funds to offer large multi-year contracts. Like it or not, the Yankees have a tradition of surviving and winning.
So now the Dread Sox are in, for a reported $200,000,000.00???? If Mark T. gets a $20,000 a year deal, that's $121,212.12 per game.

Wherever he lands, he should take uniform number "12".

The guy needs to sign somewhere already. As much as I feel the nutty contracts will ruin the sport I love, I still check the Baltimore Sun web site hourly to see if there's anything new. Hope does spring eternal...

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