Something about this commercial speaks to me...I love the rhythmic banter that goes on during a game. Don't know if it will sell any baseball equipment but it sure puts me in the mood for some baseball.
Something about this commercial speaks to me...I love the rhythmic banter that goes on during a game. Don't know if it will sell any baseball equipment but it sure puts me in the mood for some baseball.
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I agree, cool commercial. However, it speaks to me on two different, and opposing levels.
Those who love baseball, especially the minute details that go into every pitch, will love this commerical.
Those that are passive fans of baseball will say this is what's wrong with the game. Too slow and no real action. Wasting time for no reason.
But, many times, passive fans don't pay attention to how the game changes pitch by pitch, depending on the count or when a runner gets on.
But, many times, passive fans don't pay attention to how the game changes pitch by pitch, depending on the count or when a runner gets on.
Borrowed from justbaseball's post on another sight but thought this was appropriate
Wow! That commercial above is fantastic. Now I'm gonna borrow THAT and post it on the other site!
Their "Glove" commercial is even better.
Their "Glove" commercial is even better.
Different...but similarly fantastic! Thanks for sharing guys!
Thanks for the heads up on the Glove commercial 2016dad...hadn't seen that one before. Good stuff.
Very good commercial and keen observation by Stafford above. I think "casual" fans of most sports miss the intricacies of the sports they watch; the stuff that happens between the plays (or as a play is winding up in continuous action sports like hockey). If they haven't played beyond grade school, they'll never appreciate the little things like the extent of pre-play positional adjustment and the great amount of communication that occurs, even when it's obvious.
Part of the problem (if we can really call it that) is that the bigger picture doesn't really play well on TV and most of the stuff depicted in the commercial happens off-camera during a game broadcast. In addition, I believe folks have been numbed by Sportcenter and the fascination with highlights to the point that they can hardly pay attention unless someone's scoring. NFL Redzone anyone?
It's too bad too, IMHO. I find it fun to understand the inside baseball things like the pitcher and SS exchanging when a runner gets on; when 3B yells out to LF with a guy on second; when catcher walks out in front of the plate and gives signs with runners on first and third etc. Like the tempo of the commercial reveals, this is a game where there's actually quite a bit going on between plays. But then again, I'm the kind of guy that finds the tempo of a full-on, multiple ball innie-outtie one of the coolest things in sports.