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(I am not a trainer.  I'm a degree accountant/finance who sells real estate)

Kyle Boddy has recently said that bench press should be done by throwers, and definately by hitters.  Eric Cressey has said no for overhead athletes.  I have my son benching some, wide grip barbell and with dumbbells.

Here is Eric Cressey on it in 2017.  My biggest takeaway I excepted below.  Teenagers are meatheads and bench is most likely to cause injury to meatheads.

cressey bench

Edited for context.  My son is a 17 yo HS pitcher, throws pretty hard, is 5'11" 190lbs and kinda musclely.


Images (1)
  • cressey bench
Last edited by Go44dad

Some say pitchers shouldn't do bench and overhead work but i don't think you can generalize it.

Some pitchers shouldn't do it but others can depends on flexibility, strength level and pre existing conditions.

My opinion is until you can bench 180-200 it really can't do any harm unless your form is super terrible and is great for quick strength gains. 

Above 300 benching can get tough on the rotator cuff though and that can be bad for pitchers.

So my opinion is if you bench 120 don't worry about your shoulder and get stronger.

But if you approach 300 it gets hard on the joints and you might think about limiting it or even replace it with other exercises.



Last edited by Dominik85
hshuler posted:

I don’t know anything about pitching but two schools that my son visited specifically mentioned a shorter bench (close grip) bar so the shoulder capsules wouldn’t open up while benching. 

hmmm.  I took the wide grip from a Cressey workout for baseball players.  I thought the point of weakness was when the elbows got way below the bench at the bottom of the lift.  Again, I'm in real estate.

Go44dad posted:
hshuler posted:

I don’t know anything about pitching but two schools that my son visited specifically mentioned a shorter bench (close grip) bar so the shoulder capsules wouldn’t open up while benching. 

hmmm.  I took the wide grip from a Cressey workout for baseball players.  I thought the point of weakness was when the elbows got way below the bench at the bottom of the lift.  Again, I'm in real estate.

I would trust Cressey...not me! 😂 

Baseballmom3201 posted:


Question? Are there any specific excersises that a pitcher should avoid when working out IN season? I’ve heard that doing a bench press with a bar can be harmful etc? 

1. Dips.  2. Upright rows.  3.  Behind the head lat pulldowns.  And unless you have a very good strength coach, most Olympic lifts.

2019OF posted:

If you can't bench 315 after a year in the gym, you either have garbage: 1. genetics 2. work ethic 3. or you aren't eating enough. If you're hurting your shoulder benching, you have bad form and need to read some books about proper technique. I cringe every time I see a "towel bench".

Sorry but this is so generic and simple that it is unfair to share without clarifying a few things. #1 Not being able to bench 315 after a year in the gym can have so much more to do with other factors then garbage genetics, work ethic, or diet. You really are not helping much when you say, "you have bad form and need to read some books about proper technique." Having a 315 b bench as a pitcher is irrelevant and IMO, risky because as weight goes up with young players, technique usually becomes more flawed.

If you are in a situation, as a parent or player, and have more control over exercise selection, I would stay away from olympic lifts, SB bench press, dips, bicep curls, seated OH presses, behind neck press or pulldowns. Just my 2 cents.

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