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Last nights HS game, My son was pitching against conference rival. Big game for both teams. MLB scout were there to watch a player (CF) on other team. My son's team won 4-1 which is most important thing to him.


He was throwing heat and really on with his offspeed stuff. He dominated the competition including the MLB prospect who he k'd 3 times. To be honest, he had thrown like that in 4 of his 6 starts this year so far.


Because he is committed and is on a very senior laden team (12 sr, 3 Jr) with those teammates committed who are going on to play in college, we hadn't had anyone watching us from colleges. I say that because my son hadn't been "gunned" this year that I know of. After game both MLB scouts came and talked to HS pitching coach. Told  him my 2014 was sitting 90-91 throughout game and had hit as high as 94 a few times. I had no idea, I just knew he was throwing hard. They said they would be back next week to watch him pitch again.

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Big update since last post. First my son was a preferred walk on at a D1. We were told there would be an NLI but when it came down to it, they said they would have to wait til  this spring to see what was available. Son wanted to  play D1 so he agreed to wait for $.


A MLB scout asked HS pitching coach (family friend so he knew) what his status was after the performance last Tuesday and HS pitching coach said he was committed as preffered walk on. Scout said he deserve $ and started calling colleges. We didn't ask for this, he just did it to colleges he had great contacts with. Next 2 days were a whirlwind of MLB and colleges calling HS coach. We called his committed college and told them what was happening. A college in Florida (we are in Ohio) called my son and offered in him significant scholly.We were stunned, the mlb scout was very high on my son projected him mid - late draft so he said he thought he should think college but get $. Son called his committed college and they were MAD. Mostly at other college. 2 hours later they came up with a very nice offer themselves that had just come open. About half of Florida offer. After some thinking and lots of family discussion, son decided to decommit. He told the original college he was still very interested in them but since Florida college had made such as much more genrous offer, he felt like he should see what else was out there. They were beyond mad then but after a day calmed down and started re recruiting him. In mean time son knew his next pitching game was tonight. His HS coach had a ton of calls asking questions after he decommitted. At moment, tonight there will be 20 colleges and 7 MLB scouts here to watch him. 


There are 3 SEC and  2 B10 among others. We know of one offer he is getting tonight though we don't know how much. I am assuming the rest will depend on how he does tonight. 


We were just fired up about last Tuesday performance in a rivalry game. Big win for team. He nor I were looking to change colleges or his status. But between unexpected offer from Florida and the sudden money availability from original. He decided to see what else was out there. He is learning quickly that this is a business for colleges. We had an old chart we had put together last summer of potential colleges. dug that out over weekend and started with new colleges doing research. Pro's, Con's, $, etc. Here we go again, but this time he is the one getting to decide. Much better feeling this time. I would say he has a very significant chance of going to original college. He likes them, they were willing to give him a chance when no one else was, they are close to home which he likes. But he has options now 

"Son called his committed college and they were MAD. Mostly at other college. 2 hours later they came up with a very nice offer themselves that had just come open."


I'm not a big fan of decommitting generally -- the better path is to wait to commit until you've reached the point where you are so sure you'd never have to consider decommitting -- but when someone offers you no money, they have to know this is a risk.  And from what you say here, it sounds like your original school was taking your son for granted.  They had the money there, they had promised to look into getting your son money if it was available, and yet they didn't keep their promise to give him that money.  They were going to keep it, never tell you guys, and maybe use it to get yet another guy instead.  Until your son's sudden attention-getting performances forced their hand, when suddenly the money magically got offered to your son, thereby demonstrating that they had money available all along.  Serves 'em right for not playing it straight with your son.


Were they really mad at him, or do you suppose they were just kicking themselves for not getting him 25% and thereby getting his signature on an NLI when they had the chance?  They let the April signing period slide by and they took the risk. 


It all sounds like a whirlwind and very exciting for your family.  Congratulations.


For others' sake, though, I'd be interested in knowing what your son did or did not do prior to making the verbal for recruited walk-on status.  I take it he wasn't a 90-94 guy until maybe this spring, but surely he had to be upper 80's last fall in order to have reached his new level this spring.  My expectation would've been that, had he been in a recruiting-oriented travel program, he would've gotten money and gotten an NLI signed last fall.  Just wondering how it happened that he got passed over before. 


But I'll bet a lot of people who did pass him over are kicking themselves now!

Last edited by Midlo Dad
Originally Posted by Midlo Dad:

"Son called his committed college and they were MAD. Mostly at other college. 2 hours later they came up with a very nice offer themselves that had just come open."


I'm not a big fan of decommitting generally -- the better path is to wait to commit until you've reached the point where you are so sure you'd never have to consider decommitting -- but when someone offers you no money, they have to know this is a risk.  And from what you say here, it sounds like your original school was taking your son for granted.  They had the money there, they had promised to look into getting your son money if it was available, and yet they didn't keep their promise to give him that money.  They were going to keep it, never tell you guys, and maybe use it to get yet another guy instead.  Until your son's sudden attention-getting performances forced their hand, when suddenly the money magically got offered to your son, thereby demonstrating that they had money available all along.  Serves 'em right for not playing it straight with your son.


Were they really mad at him, or do you suppose they were just kicking themselves for not getting him 25% and thereby getting his signature on an NLI when they had the chance?  They let the April signing period slide by and they took the risk. 


It all sounds like a whirlwind and very exciting for your family.  Congratulations.


For others' sake, though, I'd be interested in knowing what your son did or did not do prior to making the verbal for recruited walk-on status.  I take it he wasn't a 90-94 guy until maybe this spring, but surely he had to be upper 80's last fall in order to have reached his new level this spring.  My expectation would've been that, had he been in a recruiting-oriented travel program, he would've gotten money and gotten an NLI signed last fall.  Just wondering how it happened that he got passed over before. 


But I'll bet a lot of people who did pass him over are kicking themselves now!

Midlo, great comments, I think they were mad at him for a moment, because he wasn't "loyal". Quite frankly my son went thru that same distress in his mind about being loyal. But when money came very suddenly from them, he felt he needed to look out for himself because loyalty may not have been a 2 way street. Not sure but it looked that way as you said. they did get over it very quickly with my son. They definitely were mad with other college who put in an offer before he decommitted. Quite honestly I don't blame them even though it forced thier hand to make my son an offer as well.

As far as last summer, I think it was a combo of things. He was definetly NOT sitting 90-91 and hitting 94. In fact that was his top end ever documented. Last summer he was at 85-88 and hit 91-93 a few documented time. I think the biggest reason he got what he got last summer was his lack of effort off the field. He simply wasn't ready for the effort it took to get a D1 scholarship when it came to marketing himself. After being on here for several years I gave him plenty of ideas but he wasn't ready. He loved and continues to love his HS experience. He did not want to think beyond it. He did the ACT, went to the correct showcases for him, etc but did not want to really delve into choosing a college because that meant he was going to move on. So he hesitated. He answered calls from colleges, but he did not pursue. I thkn they felt he wasn't interested in them. And they were right. Not because of that particular school but because it was moving on. Once his HS senior year actually started, then he bagan to think more about it, but that was late August. Most D1 money was gone or so we had heard. He finally in September wanted to go to a couple specific college camps. We went. He lit up the radar gun with 88-89 consistently, touching 90. He was asked to one to come back and visit,they were going to make an offer, he scheduled it 3 weeks out, friday before we were to visit, go call that someone else had accepted that money. so he then accept his only D1 offer as a preffered walk on where we were told they like him and he was a money but have no money.


I don't think last summer he was where a major conference would be gushing over  him but would consider him, I do think he was where he fit a mid major very well but he hesitated and they moved on. He certainly wasn't MLB ready last summer.


During fall and winter he dedicated himself to a fantastic HS senior season, both in basketball and baseball. He was and is driven to be excellent and it has showed in his results.  


Last edited by chefmike7777

So for those interested in last night, Quite a night. Lots of colleges and MLB represented, I think at one time we counted 23 radar guns. Chef Jr threw well but not lights out sat at 88-90 all night touched 92 a couple of times I was told. I think I said earlier it was Senior night with 11 seniors so warm up was weird. He warmed up and per HS pitching coach was "on". then they did festivities which took about 20 minutes, he went back and finished warming up and was "ok".


We were not playing a very good team at all, but one of his summer teammates and good friend is on that team. Friend led off and first pitch cracked a single to RC, Nothing like getting the no hitter out of way with with 25 scouts watching LOL. He pitched well and dominated the team he played. 2 hitter, 9k, no runs, no walks in 5 innings. MLB scouts left after 4 for most part. Colleges all stayed, I think. My guess is he impressed some of them not sure about the big majors. Guess we wil hear in near future. One MLB scout said he would be back next time he pitched because with Senior night and first time in front of all the guns he felt my son had more in him.  


Oh and Chef Jr ended night by completing run rule with an HR over left field score board. Completely crushed it.  


Teammates were a hoot trying to keep him calm, wanted to know if this was Chef Jr bobble head night too! LOL


I am pretty sure he will recieve a few more offers in next couple of days. So at minumum from all of this he has choices. Which is what I wanted for him all along

I am enjoying but BUT exhausted too. I woke up at 2am night before he pitched and could not go back to sleep! I was nervous for him. I want to help him gets whatever it is he wants and couldn't stop thinking of his opportunity.


I would die for that boy, like any of my kids but NO ONE wants me to pitch fo him so I leave that to him. My older son said I clocked about 60 so his quick and way to visual image was that when my 2014 fastball reached the plate, mine was 20 feet away. OUCH LOL

Originally Posted by chefmike7777:

I am enjoying but BUT exhausted too. I woke up at 2am night before he pitched and could not go back to sleep! I was nervous for him. I want to help him gets whatever it is he wants and couldn't stop thinking of his opportunity.


I feel ya!  At times like that at 2:00am I turn to one of my friends named Jack....


Update. went on a college visit last Thursday. Went very well. Got to see a practice, meet with the athletic support staff and  a dean in business school. Chef Jr really liked the coaches. Players were great. School was very nice with a good academic program in his major. He has a very good opportunity to get on the field next year as over half of pitching staff is seniors. He got a great offer. One of funny things was at lunch. we went to the student center to eat in their bistro area. My son and I were last ones thru the lines because we were just checking out the different options. When we came to the table to sit not only was HC and pitching coach there which we expected but a player. They weren't dumb, the player was a young man that my son knew very well as he was from the neighbor rival and a freshman, so Jeremy had probably played against him 15 times over years between HS and summer ball. They had always been friendly rivals. The young man got to help recruit. LOL. The other humourous part of day was at practice, we were sitting in bullpen watching a couple of player do their work and PC was working with them. A couple of the senior pitchers came by to talk, they did a great job of selling coach, program, and school, but the funny part was they told us if Chef Jr committeed that day, they were told they didn't have to run anymore this year.


When we came home that evening (campus is about 2 hours from home). We did lots of talking over that time. Pros and cons of each school he had an offer from. That evening original school called and upped the offer, i think they knew we were visiting  that day adn wanted to put thier very best offer on table.. Both schools said they would be patient but would have to have an answer soon. Chef Jr asked for a week and they agreed.


Over weekend he had 5 bigger named schools (SEC and Big10) calling, but money was an issue with 4 of them, they simply couldn't offer until after the draft in June. Chef Jr said thanks but he couldn't wait that long in his senior year to make that decision (with MUCH  guidance from his Dad). 5th school he is visiting this Friday. We have no idea how much if any offer will be coming but he is excited that they are interested and looking forward to seeing the campus and what they have to offer.


We are meeting with his summer coach Thursday evening. He has been thru this part of recruiting many times. He is going to help Chef Jr walk thru all the pros and cons of every school that has an offer in. The very specific goal is he have it narrowed to one of current offers for when he goes to the visit on Friday. After that visit he will be expected to make a decision between that school and the one he chose evening before.


I think he is enjoying the process now. Feeling very wanted. He is honored and excited that so many large conference schools looked at him and considered him and that he might have an opportunity to play at one of them if everything falls into place. I, also, think he will be relieved to have a decision finalized.



My last entry into the saga of last minute recruiting of Chef Jr.


On Wednesday last week, Chef Jr called the Big 10 asst coach to confirm visit on Friday. He left a mesage and got called back by HC about an hour later. HC and asst coach had had a mix up. HC had 3 JUCO young men willing to wait until after the draft to sign and they would be ahead of my son. HC said he was very sorry and happy to have him come but no offer would be offered at that time. He did say that if anything happened in June they would be very interested. My son thanked HC ,according to him , and said he couldn't wait that long to have a decision made. Assistant coach called right after apologizing all over himself. Offered to call a couple of other collges on my son's behalf, again my son said thanks but no thanks. He was frustrated to be sure. When he text me what happened, I felt really bad for him, told him I knew that was a dream school for him and sorry it wasn't going to work out. His response made my heart sing. "It's okay Dad, God knows what he is doing and will get me to where I should be" Sometimes kids just get it.


Later that night, he, I and his mom began talking about if he had made a decision or had it narrowed down between the 3 offers. He said he thought he knew but wanted to pray and think about it over night. The next morning, he knew. He called the original college that had offered him a walk on spot last fall with a little academic money and accepted as a kid who had a very nice athletic / academic offer. He is excited to be playing close to home, where many of his HS friends will be attending college and with coaches that had shown him much love since last summer by being the most consistent ones watching and calling and reconfirmed it this spring by doing the same plus the offer.


He called both other colleges and thanked them, They were both very gratious.


Saturday, with a weight off his shoulders and a couple of MLB scouts still watching, he pitched in first tournament game. Supposedly 89-92 sitting, 14K, 1 hitter. Team won 4-0. He was frustrated with going 0-2 at bat


Today after school he signs his NLI, (coaches were gone out of town from Thursday to yesterday evening for games and told him it would be today).

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