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1st ? how can you constantly be a #3 or 4 hitter over a bunch of kids and when its time to make the highschool team they make it and you dont.
2nd how can you enter tournements in lead andbe in the top five hitting catrgories with alot of so called studs in the city that pitch varsity for the same highschool team and you cant even make the freshman team.
3rd there is no grade problem here or disciplene problem so tell me what going on and also its obvious i will have to take him some where to sme camps that ac tually play games any advice i will leave the state for a good weeek camp if i have to do not want his talent to go to waste while less talented players live out thei dream
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Hello CVN,

I am sorry for you and your son. The important thing is to be supportive of your son, and not to be trying to lay blame on anyone. Talking to the coach is a good idea, if you can maintain your composure. A better idea would be if you son is comfortable talking to him. A good way to start the conversation is, "Coach, can you tell me what I should be working on so that I can get better for tryouts next year? I am really anxious to be part of the program." Could be any number of reasons why he wasn't chosen. How old is your son? Is he young enough that he could still be playing 14u? Maybe it would be possible to find a good 14u travel team in your area so that he can continue to play.

My son went through the same thing his freshman year. Our school is known for their tryouts, which are normally 3 wks long. After the first week of his freshman tryout, the players were divided into 3 groups - those that made it, those that were cut, and those "on the bubble" The bubble players went through an additional 2 wks of tryouts, with players gradually being eliminated. It was probably the most stressful 2 wks of my son's life. Finally, on the last day of tryouts, he and 1 other boy were chosen for the team. By the end of his senior year, he was an all-state pitcher. Keep you chin up.
no i did not talk to the coach because everone preety much saw what was going on.for example in a certain testing area my son was mystertly slower then some kids that day but has been faster yrs past and is faster now after the tryouts same for the arm that play on the coaches usssa team were 40 points better then him but when he plays in the same tournement he dominates alot of them no comparision,so i did not ask the coach because did not want smoke blowed up you know were.i just want to make sure im not crazy i know a lot of people thats in the baseball world here cant look me in the eyes because they know something foul wemt down.if you all can direct me to a good camp somewere that let your kid play in alot of games so they can see his monster numbers
Welcome to the site and it's pretty obvious you're upset at (what seems like) your son being cut. Honestly, we cannot at any point answer these questions for you because nobody here has seen your son play or the level of competition he's going against. Only thing people here can do is provide their experiences and what they did to handle it like OH BB Mom just provided.

Overall I agree with JBB and OH BB Mom but I would disgree in that your son needs to talk to the coach instead of you. To me your post projects a lot of anger (please forgive me if I'm wrong) and if you go to a meeting with the coach in this emotional state there is a good chance you will lose it. Nothing good will come from this and you'll leave the meeting more frustrated, upset and even more questions. By having your son do this it's a chance to help him grow more in a responsible adult and take responsibility for the things that happen to him. Have him ask something along the lines of "Hey coach, I was wondering why I got cut and what do you think I need to work on to help my chances next year." This becomes a productive conversation that may help your son get better.

You will probably read several people on here say that high school ball doesn't matter and I disagree with that but I do agree that not playing HS ball is not the end of the world. Get your son to college camps, showcases, PG events and good summer team and he can still do it - IF he has the talent.

Maybe this coach is a joke because it does happen. There are some idiots out there but sometimes the coach is right and the player isn't as good as he / the parent thinks. It happens but a calm conversation with the coach will go towards helping find some answers.

Best of luck to you.
The coach is in control of who makes the team. No one on here is. The coach has seen your son play. No one here has. Your son needs to politely approach the coach for a talk. If it's a bad time for the coach ask when is a good time. Your son needs to ask where he fell short in making the team. He needs to ask what skills he needs to improve to make the team next year. He needs to ask how he should go about improving his skills.

In a polite manner your son has the ability to empower the coach in his view of your son's motivation to improve and play ball. Then if he's a bubble player next year the coach will take him due to his motivation to get better. Good luck to your son.
Last edited by RJM
Could it be because your son didn't play on the coache's USSSA team? Why didn't your son play for him or them? Is there any bad blood that may be causing this? I would ask your son's travel ball coach to inquire why he didn't make the team.

In our area there is a league for boys that, for many different reasons, don't play with their high school team. Check and see if there is something in your area.

Good luck.

I read your profile and that sometimes tells me where the real frustration is coming from, by what is posted there.

Your son needs to go talk to the coach to find out what he has to do to make the team next year, then get to work, which would be getting ready for summer ball to continue to put up those "monster" numbers.

Time to turn the negative into a positive.

And keep in mind, always, there is NO crying in baseball.

Best of luck to your son.
The advice OH BBmom gave you is as about as good as it gets.

Your son has reached a threshold age where the baseball world can turn topsey turvey!

It's tough but look at it as his first opportunity to deal with adversity in his baseball life. If he continues to focus on the goal of playing HS baseball and dedicates himself to working hard, he could very well turn this stumbling block into a major reason he succeeds later.

You will know longer be able to affect his baseball success directly. Only he and the Coaches have the power to do so. If he is a good player, one that is better than his peers, as you believe, he won't be held back forever. Talent does rise to the top just not always as quickly as you want it sometimes.

Be patient, stay out of it directly other than to encourage you son to be challenged by this. It is up to he if it makes or breaks him.

Another piece of advice for you; don't post on forums or send e-mail messages when you are upset. The usual advice is to write your piece, then sit on it for 24 hours before sending. Most times, the output will be better composed after letting the emotions settle.
Last edited by Prime9
ok i hear everyone on here and thanks for the advice and yes im angry but want to move on because its obvious he is going to be a barry bonds or mark mqguire to make this team he cant be good or average because for a fact on my life when he compete with and against %75 of these kids in tournements he will eat them up.i dont know who i rubed the wrong way but i just want advice on good camps out of this state money is not to big of aproblem right now as long as i can keep it under $2000.anybody has any experience with such camps were you can go play for a week and get looked at.just wanted to add i know you all have not seen my son play but staTS do not lie
Originally posted by cvn73folks:
,so i did not ask the coach because did not want smoke blowed up you know were.

This pretty much sums you up I bet. Don't waste time asking the coach because you're not going to believe anything he tells you. Obviously your son is a Bryce Harper/A-rod hybrid who will be playing on the Olympic team soon. He'll be drafted first overall and re-write every record in the book (pitching and hitting).

Send this joke of a HS coach an invite to your son's induction into Cooperstown and then we he shows up laugh at him and tell him he doesn't really have a ticket. That's the only way to handle jerks like him.

And mix in some mediocre grammar now and then.
ironhorse im not saying he will make the pros,im just saying i know i lot of those kids on the team and for a fact hes better then alot of them.i did not want to make other parents uncomfotable about the situation.i just want to know how i can get my son away from these cliks so he can get a far shot to play jr college or maybe a 4 yr school.why should he waste his talent
I'll try to answer the OP's main question which is about baseball camps.

If your son is a Freshman, it's way too early to be looked at. If you are looking for a camp, there are plenty out there but generally not during the Spring season. Doyle Baseball runs a major camp in the Summer that a college coach in our area recommended. It is for skills development, not exposure. I think Ripkin and Mike Martin have other camps.

How your son reacts to this disappointment will be important. Politics can play into high school baseball and it is tough to be the outsider. But, it can be overcome through persistence and hard work. Otherwise, if money is not an option, are there any private high schools in your area where you think he can get a fair shot?
Quite a bit of sage advice listed on previous page. What is normal in your area after Freshman Spring ball season? Do the current freshman players roll into summer games as a school based team or do players split off to local & regional (true Majors) travel teams? I'm assuming your son is a 15U, as there are usually quite a few opportunities for 14U travel teams & many will travel South once March arrives.
Last edited by journey2
This topic does not seem credible. When grammar and spelling is that of a 5th or 6th grader, it makes me think a 5th or 6th grader is doing the posting. If this is legitimately a parent, then attitude may have been the problem. Maybe the coach didn't want the baggage of a parent hanging around who simply was always letting everyone know how dominant his kid was.
Originally posted by ClevelandDad:
This topic does not seem credible. When grammar and spelling is that of a 5th or 6th grader, it makes me think a 5th or 6th grader is doing the posting. If this is legitimately a parent, then attitude may have been the problem. Maybe the coach didn't want the baggage of a parent hanging around who simply was always letting everyone know how dominant his kid was.

I'm not sure which worries me more--the fact that I know plenty of people with HS-aged kids that DO type this way, the fact that there are plenty of people with HS-aged kids that try to live their lives through them, or that sometimes they are one and the same.

I hope to DOYC that this is a prank. If not, I do not wish to be this guy's kid.
Originally posted by cvn73folks:
i just want advice on good camps out of this state money is not to big of aproblem right now as long as i can keep it under $2000.

Hey CVN, I recommend you start picking college camps to go to in your state. If you want to stay in the state you live in to play ball. If you want to go out of state I can recommend the camps at Vanderbilt University in Nashville TN. They have week long summer camps and a great winter camp the first weekend in December most every year. I recommend making the winter camp. The head coach always brings in college coaches from other universities to help with the winter camp and keeps the player to coach ratio very low. The training is excellent and the kids do not sit around; they are busting their butts for the entire weekend! (great exposure to many programs too). Players from the school team help in the summer camps.
You should also check into local JUCO's in your area for summer leagues. This would also offer good competition as well.
I do not agree with some post in that high school freshman should not try to attend camps. Many good programs like to be honing in on their best or top prospects as juniors. This gives you two years to impress them and be one of their TOP recruits. I believe that schools like to see you pursue them as much as you want them to pursue your son.

Good luck to you and son, and recommend that son has a good atitude and some humbleness when you go to these camps.
Last edited by AL MA 08
Advice to CVN73 -

    Take a deep breath and consider the possibilites rationally - all of them.
  • Your freshmen son's talent was inadvertantly overlooked. If so, keep working hard and you will likely make the team next year.
  • Your son's talent was overshadowed by other factors. Could be size, maturity, attitude, lack of hustle, or family issues.
  • Your son is not as talented as you believe he is. Most of us are unable to be completely objective about our own player's abilities.
  • The coach is unable to correctly evaluate talent. It happens - if you need to stay at a school where a coach has impaired ability to evaluate talent - figure out what he IS looking for and strive to give it to him.

If the goal is to make the high school team - none of the issues above will be addressed by spending thousands of dollars at an out of state camp - no matter how good it is.

If you are worried about college or the pros - take another deep breath and refocus - they are a long way off.
I will most likely transfer him to a diffrent school.alot of people have been telling me that this goes on in alot of highschool baseball programs around here if you don't play for their usssa teams on the side so wish me luck on the school I gamble on.thanks to everyone for the advice and especially all the corrections by all the English teachers on here
Originally posted by cvn73folks:
I will most likely transfer him to a diffrent school.alot of people have been telling me that this goes on in alot of highschool baseball programs around here if you don't play for their usssa teams on the side so wish me luck on the school I gamble on.thanks to everyone for the advice and especially all the corrections by all the English teachers on here

To add to lots of good advice given...

I suggest that you spend the money on a local baseball academy or trusted intructor as opposed to out-of-state camps. He'll get more out of regular instruction over time than he will with a couple one-week or weekend camps. This is particularly true if he's not playing during HS season when others are.
Then find a good summer team that offers the best level of competition for him where he will still play alot.

Be sure you know the rules in your area regarding school transfer. Out here, it is strictly prohibited to transfer for athletic purposes and it's not as easy as some think to get around those rules.

Understand that this may not be the wise choice to begin with. Consider if your son likes his current school and friends (outside of the isolated baseball tryout experience). What things are really most important for him in the long run?

Understand that with every new team and every new level, he is starting from zero and has to prove himself all over. "Monster numbers" from summer ball or where he batted in the lineup mean nothing to the new coaches. They want to see what talent and abilities he brings today. If his talent level is comparable to others and coaches know others better, then yes, many coaches may be inclined to go with known quantities. Have your son strive to be clearly better every day so that there is no question he belongs.

Listen to your son. What does he want to do? Most of your dialog makes it sound like you are more concerned with YOUR feelings about his talent being wasted than with his feelings about it.

Hang around this site some more. Do a search for other posts that deal with making the HS team. I'm sure you feel like you are getting hammered here but stick it out. There's a ton of good info that can help you out. A lot of folks that are hammering now will be the first to support and congratulate as you start finding yourself better equipped to help your son through the process.

If you are still as angry as it sounds over a tryout that occurred last April, you may want to work on letting go and finding a way to enjoy your son's baseball and other activities, whatever they may be and at whatever level.

Best of luck
CVN - All things considered and assuming it was April of 2011 that your son tried out... what does your son want to do at this point? If he tried out in April of '11 is he a sophomore at this point? Why not see if he makes the team this April (2012). Many kids don't make the HS team right away. For some, a dose of reality such as not making the team every time they try out is just what they need to make them rise to the top. There may be a silver lining to this cloud... your son's massive numbers may actually grow from this adversity, provided he has been working out and getting ready for this spring rather than harping on last spring. I am not so sure i would transfer him but rather push him to be that much better at this April's try-outs. Show some encouragement for your Son and his sake.

Good luck this spring. I PM'd you a link for youth baseball camps but like cabbagedad said i would spend the money on a local baseball academy and some lessons. You will get more bang for your buck at this point and it will better prepare him for April 2012 tryouts...

Welcome to the High School Baseball Web.
Last edited by bballdad2016
Just for clarification...
He did not play high school ball last year?
He did not play summer ball on the USSSA team?
So he did not play baseball the last year at all or he played for a different summer team?
Just wondering, if he played for a different team what his summer coach thought of his abilities.
What was his opinion as to why he didn't make the team?
Maybe talking to his summer coach can help bridge the gap between the two coaches. Just a thought..
Originally posted by cvn73folks:
There us one private school but the baseball team is having problems putting a whole team together,they had 8th graders on varsity last far as camps I'm looking for something he can actually play against talented players so people from diffrent states can make their on conclusion

I have read this over a few times and it's hard to really comprehend what CVN is trying to relate.
I am thinking that son tried out as a 8th grader and didn't make the team because he didn't play for the guy before he tried out. Now wants to get him out to another school before he has to try out or feels that maybe a coolege cmap may help in teh process (to get ready to try out for the team).

I have to agree with RJM, college camp should be the last thing on the list, indoor batting along with a good conditioning program is more important than attending a camp, at this point.

I hope that you haven't soured your son to the whole process, you need to take a step back, stop blaming others and relax, and reread your stuff before you hit the post button.
Last edited by TPM
I've got two questions since I last posted

1. If your son was cut in April 2011 - 9 months ago - then why are you getting ticked off at it now?

2. Why has your spelling and grammar got better all of a sudden? Your first few posts was like trying to read a car wreck and now you're posting with very few / typical mistakes that we all make.

Just curious.

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