Exploding hips - now that's gotta hurt !!!

I attended a coach's clinic put on by Cal Ripken a few weeks ago and someone asked about teaching the hip turn / hip explosion part of the swing. Cal said don't even worry about it as long as you start and finish in the proper positions, it's one of the things that just happens. Cal knows way way more about hitting than me so I'll go with what he said. I really like the keep it simple approach, as long as certain fundamental things happen properly. (Golf instructors could take a cue from that, but they'd be out of business if unsuspecting customers didn't pay them big bucks to tell them that at the 10:30 position in the swing the arms should be at a 47.9 degree angle, the wrists should be at a 19.2 degree angle, the hips should be turned 13.2 degrees.....)