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Things have changed since my son started the recruiting roller coaster ride in or around 2000. Showcasing has changes from a recruiting event to an industry. While not openly discussed I know the high cost of showcasing has become a financial stumbling block for many players and parents. While the US mail has not changed significantly, the use of email has exploded. The phone call has expanded to include the voiceless text messaging and even video messaging. (Even the antiquated Fungo has an LG enV cell phone with video). College camps have changed from a weekend of "instructions and good times" to what may be a viable recruiting tool. All this has changed but surprisingly the REAL ingredients of being recruited have NOT changed. The number of college roster slots available to high school players has not changed. Coaches are STILL looking for the same traits in a player and their goal is to select the BEST talent and college coaches will always be VERY RECEPTIVE to any method of seeing a talented player.
If I had a son today that wanted to play college baseball I would have to do things differently. Since my income has remained virtually the same I would still have to create a “recruiting budget” and that TOTAL budget would be about the same. Since playing the game of baseball is the heart of soul of baseball he would still play on a quality summer baseball team and the family would still travel around with the team. With the cost of gas increasing to an all time high I would have to readjust my budget and allow more money to travel expenses. This increased “travel allocation” would have to come from somewhere and I think I would pull from the showcase monies. With email and text messaging being virtually free I would devise a method of capitalizing on the electronic wizardry and use it to my benefit. Digital photography and high speed internet has created a very good and inexpensive method of promoting your son. I would create a website that displayed his skills and would also create a short DVD that is much more easily mailed and viewed vs. the old VHS tapes. I would create a college database and target different colleges. I can visualize a coach (or a student assistant) receiving an email with a link to a player’s website that showed a 45 sec video clip of a player introducing himself, swinging the bat , throwing (w/imbedded radar reading), running home to first w/imbedded elapsed time. I would also create a “want to see more? --- click here” section that would provide additional information or provide me with the college name. Still want more information? AFTER talking to the head coach we would then consider the college camp. Exposure alternatives are developing every day and parents need to be aware (and thinking) and maybe even changing how the recruiting process works. Human nature is against change. For years I have walked past the “self checkout” in Wal-Mart but now I am an avid user ------ It’s quicker and works better.
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fungo....interesting mentioned above about making sure your player is on a competitive summer travel team, what are your thoughts about the fall? Take the same approach and play on the most competitive fall team available or is the fall for more weekend only "showcase" type events? just curious....and would your thought process change if your college selection was already done?
It's my opinin that a player needs to play to continue to improve and they need exposure for the college selection--- if the college selection is already made exposure becomes less of a "need" but the need to play for development is still there. I personally think the fall showcase events are good especially if they are in a game format as most are. This allows your son to compete against other top players and in my son's case these events were held at college ballparks which I think is a real plus.
would your thought process change if your college selection was already done

This got me thinking ---- Sometimes we THINK the selection process is over and then something changes (for better or worse) in the last few days. There is a reason most colleges won't announce incoming players until the NLI is signed. You can breathe easier but don't fall asleep.
I appreciate your perspective.....we're in agreement that the process is never ending. There's such a moment of relief when you finally make the commitment to a school, something you've been working so hard to accomplish for years. There's that instance where you think you can breath a little and relax, maybe even coast, but the process does continue and now we're shifting our focus and goals to prepare for the next level. Thanks for all the wisdom you and all the other provide here on this great site.
Fungo, that is very sound advise that you give and its ironic to Me as well. I just signed my son up to a baseball resource & recruiting database where he gave his spring results in high school, academics, references, a photo, player profile, etc. You can also upload a short video clip for coaches to see as well. From this site you can go directly to virtually any college in America and email the coach with a standardized (editable) letter which provides a link directly to my son's profile for them to view.

Back in the spring we went the route of mailing out over 15 letters with bio's, pictures, etc. But I truly believe that coaches today are closer and have quicker access to laptops, etc. to check email.

Gas is at an all time high and rooms aren't getting any cheaper! heavens to betsy!
Last edited by YoungGunDad

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