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I coach with a former college pitcher, so I know he has a very good grasp on the rules.

When we are on defense & the 3B (or 1B) coach calls a timeout to talk to the batter he tells the home plate umpire that he gets a free trip to the mound. No umpires contested this last year.

I looked in the Official MLB Rulebook under visits to the mound and never could find a rule that verified (or denied) this extra visit.

Is there indeed somewhere in the rulebook where this is addressed or is it a courtesy of the umpire is allowing ?

Thanks in advance.
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Yes, if the offense has a conference then the defense can too as long as they don't delay. It is the same the other way, you visit the pitcher, the offense can meet also.
From the rulebook:
When either team has a charged conference, the other team may also have a conference, which is not charged, provided the conference concludes when the opposing team’s charged conference concludes, so that the game is not further delayed.
From the casebook:
The coach of the team at bat requests and is granted time so he may have a conference with either the batter or runner(s). Thereafter, if the
defensive team’s coach goes to the mound to talk to his pitcher, should the defensive team be charged with a conference also?
RULING: No. When either team is granted time for a conference the other coach or representative may do likewise without being charged with a conference, unless the opposing coach or his representative
delays the game by not being ready to play when the other team’s charged conference is completed.
Originally posted by FanForLife:
I coach with a former college pitcher, so I know he has a very good grasp on the rules.

When we are on defense & the 3B (or 1B) coach calls a timeout to talk to the batter he tells the home plate umpire that he gets a free trip to the mound. No umpires contested this last year.

I looked in the Official MLB Rulebook under visits to the mound and never could find a rule that verified (or denied) this extra visit.

Is there indeed somewhere in the rulebook where this is addressed or is it a courtesy of the umpire is allowing ?

Thanks in advance.

You couldn't find it because there is no such rule. A "free" offensive conference can be held during a trip (as long as it ends when the trip ends), but not the other way around.
Originally posted by FanForLife:
I coach with a former college pitcher, so I know he has a very good grasp on the rules.

Hee, hee...giggle...chuckle, laugh, snort...stop, your killin' me.

MST is referring to FED, Dash is referring to OBR which seems to be the rules you are questioning. ?Different rules, different answers.

Shame on the umpires for not knowing the difference.
Last edited by Jimmy03
Originally posted by otownmike:
Love the site but find it a little interesting some feel ony umpires have the ability to read an understand the rulebook

That's not my feeling at all. However, it's a fallacy to say he "has a very good grasp on the rules" simply because he was a "former college pitcher." Not only are NCAA rules different than Fed and OBR, it's not a secret that, for the most part, players don't read the rule book.
Originally posted by yawetag:
Originally posted by otownmike:
Love the site but find it a little interesting some feel ony umpires have the ability to read an understand the rulebook

That's not my feeling at all. However, it's a fallacy to say he "has a very good grasp on the rules" simply because he was a "former college pitcher." Not only are NCAA rules different than Fed and OBR, it's not a secret that, for the most part, players don't read the rule book.

Exactly. It's certainly believable that a coach has a good grasp of the rules..usually from reading the book and asking questions. But to say anyone has a grasp of the rules because they were a college, or any level of player is ridiculous. The coach with the worst understanding of the balk rule I ever met was a former MLB pitcher.
Originally posted by otownmike:
If only this were true.

Love the site but find it a little interesting some feel ony umpires have the ability to read an understand the rulebook....but I've heard it before here....players play, coaches coach, and umpires need glasses

mike ,
One of the notions I disabused myself of early was the expectation that coaches and players shold know the rules as well as umpires do...I felt that to be successful in the game that a through knowledge of the rules would be invaluable....

It is surely valuable its not neccessarily so....plenty of players both amatuer and professional, go through very successful player or managerial careers with little knowledge and understanding of the full rules of baseball...

If MST were here he would state his 80/20 rule about baseball... meaning that 80% of the game is played with 20% of the rules.....I only expect players and coaches to be versed at the 20% level......but sadly, it is often less than that...

Now to be fair, as a "many years ago ex player" (backup catcher) I do not have the playing knowledge of some of the players I umpire and certainly dont have the strategy and game situational strategy experience that some of the coaches I interact with have....

so that brings me to another favorite line of mine which is playing isnt coaching and coaching isnt umpiring....

Players Play...
Coaches Coach...
Umpires umpire...

Its a fallacy to think that competing/participating in one role endows you with any extra abilty of the next role.....
Last edited by piaa_ump
Originally posted by piaa_ump:
Players Play...
Coaches Coach...
Umpires umpire...

Its a fallacy to think that competing/participating in one role endows you with any extra abilty of the next role.....

Works both ways. Numerous times when I've checked out the game situation before a pitch, and, utilizing my previous playing experience made an assumption on what will happen next, I end up muttering to myself, after play is over, "I'll be d@mned, didn't think of that."
Originally posted by Jimmy03:
Originally posted by piaa_ump:
Players Play...
Coaches Coach...
Umpires umpire...

Its a fallacy to think that competing/participating in one role endows you with any extra abilty of the next role.....

Works both ways. Numerous times when I've checked out the game situation before a pitch, and, utilizing my previous playing experience made an assumption on what will happen next, I end up muttering to myself, after play is over, "I'll be d@mned, didn't think of that."

agreed 100%.....certainly have been there myself...and it is at those moments that I realize what my role is....
Originally posted by dash_riprock:
A "free" offensive conference can be held during a trip (as long as it ends when the trip ends), but not the other way around.

Wait, am I seeing two different answers or am I crazy?

If the 3b coach requests time to visit with the hiter/baserunner, can the defensive coach get a "free" quick trip to the mound?

Specifically in FED.
Originally posted by ironhorse:
If the 3b coach requests time to visit with the hiter/baserunner, can the defensive coach get a "free" quick trip to the mound?

Yes. 3.4.1B states as such: "When either team is granted time for a conference the other coach or representative may do likewise without being charged with a conference, unless the opposing coach or his representative delays the game by not being ready to play when the other team's charged conference is completed."
Dash....I am curious, and this is not meant to be silly because I respect all of your posts, so here goes...

O-Coach calls time out from 3B box..batter wanders down. D-Coach runs to mound and gathers team, probably to set strategy. O-Coach is finished and batter returns to plate area.

At what point do you declare a defensive conference due to excessive delay? Warning first?

I have never seen this, probably for the reason you stated, and probably because most do not know the FED rules, but I am curious how you would handle?
Originally posted by schwammi:
At what point do you declare a defensive conference due to excessive delay? Warning first?

Once the offensive conference ends, I walk briskly to the mound, similar to a defensive conference. I'll say "Let's go, Coach" and give them very little time to finish. If he doesn't, I advise him that it's a meeting.

The coach knows the rule, so there's little leeway for him on it.
Originally posted by schwammi:
Dash....I am curious, and this is not meant to be silly because I respect all of your posts, so here goes...

O-Coach calls time out from 3B box..batter wanders down. D-Coach runs to mound and gathers team, probably to set strategy. O-Coach is finished and batter returns to plate area.

At what point do you declare a defensive conference due to excessive delay? Warning first?

I have never seen this, probably for the reason you stated, and probably because most do not know the FED rules, but I am curious how you would handle?

I would allow him to go out but I would chase him the moment the O conference broke up. I would use words that made it clear that he had to leave now or be charged a trip. If he didn't immediately head for the dugout I would record the trip.
Last edited by dash_riprock

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