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Son is a 2016, RHP who didn't hit puberty really until his sophmore year of high school.  Has never played a showcase, no summer ball, no anything.  Last year he was (sophmore) high 60's low 70's at best.  This year, it seemed like everything started clicking, and he is now throwing high 70's (sidearm pitcher) and wants to be hitting 80 by season.  The question is, since he has literally gotten absolutely no exposure this far, is it to late to get on college's radar?  And if so, what is the best way of going about it? Thanks

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You have lots of time. There are a large number of D3's in Texas and Louisiana area so I would focus on them. 


Next I would be getting him working on his velocity and development ron wolforth in Houston or kyle boddy at is where I would start. The beauty of a D3 is that he will have time to develop. That said he has lots of time, but needs to start working on it now. 



Last edited by BOF

My son, a 2015 late bloomer was in the same situation. In HS, played on Frosh team in 9th grade. JV team in 10th grade. He pitched, played 1st and outfield. The summer before junior year, the Varsity HC makes him a RHP. Started playing travel ball that same summer on the B-team. The 1st PG showcase he attended was in Dec. 2013 his Junior year. Touched 83mph. and received a PG grade of 8.0. May of 2014 we are way behind on the recruiting process.    PG showcase in June. Touches 89mph, PG grade of 9.0. Best part, a recruiting coach was there. He calls son's travel coach asking about my son. Now son gets put on the A- travel team for the summer before his Senior year. He gets to pitch 2 games in the JO's and does well. Son is now on the radar of other college coaches. Multiple offers by August. He commits. Signs early NLI. His travel team went to PG WWBA in Oct. Son pitched 7 scoreless innings.       

3 MLB questionnaires so for.  Good luck on your Son's journey. I hope it is just as fantastic a ride. 

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