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Simple test. Focus on an object some distance away with both eyes open. Put your finger out in front of you, just below the object (e.g., as if sighting a gun). Without moving the finger first close one eye, then open that eye & close the other. The finger will still be just below the object on your dominat eye side. The finger will seemed to have "moved" out from under the object with your non-dominant eye.

There are different degrees of eye dominance. And some medical researchers feel that eye dominance can be "trained" over time.
Just another simple test. This can be done looking at a key on your keyboard. Place your hands out in front of you, left fingers under right, right thumb under left. This should leave a small hole between the hands between the thumbs and index finger. Follow me? Now at arms length pick a key on the keyboard with both eyes open so you can only see that key. Close one eye and then the other. The one that when open still has that key(letter) in view is your dominant eye..
Originally posted by Catch43:
with your test, when I put my finger out, it turns into 2 finers...

Try it again after laying off the bottle a while. Big Grin

Okay, another one. Stretch your arms out. Make a triangle shape by touching your two thumbs together and your two forefingers together.

With both eyes open, look at an object some distance off. Center the object in the triangle.

Without moving the hands, first close one eye, then open that eye & close the other. Whichever eye still had the object centered will be your dominant eye.

Hope that helps.
The previous posts didn't address the supposed importance of eye dominance. Some believe it is of little importance, others, such as myself, believe it is at least moderately important.

If the dominant eye is closest to the pitcher when you are hitting you should see the ball better.

I believe eye dominance is important as I've seen good results with opening up the stance of those with the opposite situation; dominant eye furthest away from the pitcher.

Opening up a little or a lot keeps the dominant eye on the pitcher a lot longer in the swing and kids report seeing the ball a lot better. Just make sure you practice closing up a few thousand times before you go to the plate in a game!

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