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It has been a while since I been on the boards. I have always loved the game and talking about all aspects of it. However, I am amazed how condecending some of you adults are. Too many of y'all that have successful sons think you are the reason; or that you have figured out the secret formula for success. Every player is different and people with the right training and knowledge find a way to get the most out of them. That doesn't make them a GURU, just effective in that particular case. If one guy could make everyone great, there would not be no-hitters or home run records.

I am interested in your opinions and like to hear of successes that you, but mostly, your children have had. I don't neeed the knee jerk or bandwagon banter about the politics that arise because of some adult's interference with the game.

    Tell your boys to play hard, but let them enjoy the game.
    Support them better than your parents supported you.
    Tell them to find a good fit for THEM if they want to go to college, not your wallet or ego.
    They may want to go to a distant, obscure college to save them from your overbearence!
    Talent always seems to find a home.
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It has been a while since I been on the boards. I have always loved the game and talking about all aspects of it. However, I am amazed how condecending some of you adults are. Too many of y'all that have successful sons think you are the reason; or that you have figured out the secret formula for success. Every player is different and people with the right training and knowledge find a way to get the most out of them. That doesn't make them a GURU, just effective in that particular case. If one guy could make everyone great, there would not be no-hitters or home run records.

I am interested in your opinions and like to hear of successes that you, but mostly, your children have had. I don't neeed the knee jerk or bandwagon banter about the politics that arise because of some adult's interference with the game.
I guess I don't currently have a dog in this fight as my sons are 3 and 8 and have more important things in their lives than baseball right now (like Gameboy and fishing). But I thought I'd chime in anyway. Smile

I think a majority of the parents that post here regularly are quick to give praise to coaches and other parents that have helped in the development of their sons. I also think that many are willing to help others get pointed in the right direction as their sons begin the journey through high school baseball.

One of the reasons that I stop by here frequently is because of the depth of the conversations that those same parents bring to these boards and while some may have that condescending approach you speak of I feel that it is a minority. To so broadly paint all of the parents with the 'condescending' brush is not only unfair it is incorrect IMO. Besides, the few condescending ones bring their own aspect to the table and someone wouldn't really be completely informed unless they heard all of the different points of view so that they might formulate their own educated opinions of what is in the best interest of their own son.

I've had the good fortune to have been involved in the lives of many successful ballplayers even if for a brief amount of time and I can tell you from experience that for each and every one of them it took a village to get them to the point of that success. IMO there's no tried and true method that will get someone to that point but all that do seem to share the same characteristics: talent, passion and desire.
Last edited by Frozen Ropes GM
I read this forum almost daily, post sometimes, but have never witnessed the condecending adults that PSYCHO sees.

In fact, I see proud parents who are very appreciative of what the coaches and teammates have contributed.

I would agree with TR, I don't think I would miss you if you went away.

I disagree that this came out of left field, heck, this came out of the parking lot!
Tell your boys to play hard, but let them enjoy the game.
Support them better than your parents supported you.
Tell them to find a good fit for THEM if they want to go to college, not your wallet or ego.
They may want to go to a distant, obscure college to save them from your overbearence!
Talent always seems to find a home.

I agree there are those that think they are gurus when it comes to sharing their opinions. I see no problem with that. We are free to pick and choose. There are many with credentials that post here and I respect their opinion but still we all know it is just their opinion.------ There are a few, (not many) that consider their way to be the only way. I also admit that there are a few that talk in a condescending manner but luckily they don’t post here that often. Wink

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