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Bear, Yogi you aint (smarter than the average bear). What is it you don't understand about the Commonwealth games. We got a good laugh out of your input on that thread. Once again you continue to demonstrate that you aren't nor will you ever be what you pretend to be. Your gaucheness (look it up) continues to amuse but yet grows old. Get your head from between your buttocks!
Last edited by Coach45

You are correct, Jim Farr is the NEW pitching coach at Univ or MD.

W & M was making reductions in it's commitment to the baseball program, that is why Farr left.

The school's attitude must be like, don't get to good or we'll have to put more money into the program and we don't want to do that.

OK, think about it ... the gentleman from Rhode Island is probably a very good coach but how come W&M did not get more of a high profiled coach ? It mostly likely meant more $$$$$$$$$$.

Unfortunately, $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ drives everything.

It has a lot of merit.

Best of luck to Coach Leoni and his new assistant Coach Andy Taylor if I remember his name correctly.

The CAA has been and is continuing to decline over the last 10 years.
Last edited by Memorex

Contrary to what you may have heard, William & Mary has not reduced it's committment to the Baseball program. Scholarship money has remained at least the same and so has the money for staff.

I am aware that certain people are spreading disinformation to justify why they have left. As to getting too good, check the record and then look at the players who have gone on to pro ball and their success level. The two don't jive.

Last year everyone knew that the coaching staff was leaving. They made no secret of it. Unfortunately the coaches all suffered from short timer's disease. Consistent effort and respect for the players would have gone a long way to improve that .500 team.
Some of you crack me up. First, I am close to the William and Mary program. Some of you have no clue what was going on down there. VaDad, where do you get off calling the coaching staff there short timers? The coaching staff that left was very dedicated and worked their butts off. They kept that field up becuase the admin was to lazy and too afraid to ask the so called workers on campus to keep the field up. At a D-1 school the coaches should not be working on the field and empty trash cans, what type of admin asks their coaches to do that and then recruit and coach? The botton line at William and Mary and anybody who knows anyting about college baseball will tell you this, the school does not care about winning and never will. If they cared about baseball so much why was Coach Farr the first full time (fully paid coach, with paid assistants. Anybody who has the guts to blast Coach Farr and his staff has no idea what he did for that school. He got the field donated and built, the school said that it would never happen, becuase they could have cared less.

Just so you all know, my son was part of the program. For the admin not to give students releases it is a joke. Those people have no clue what it takes to run that program. All you had to do was to look at the field during a local legion all-star game and when Blue-Gray came to the field to use it. It looked like ****. VaDad would coach Farr and his staff have allowed or did they ever allow it in his 13 year tenure? The answer is NO! Because he had to much pride to allow that. But the school allowed to go to hell after he left, that shows how much they cared and they should be ashamed to have brought coaches in applying for the job to look at the field.

I will speak no more of this matter. Good luck to the new coaches, I hope you have a green thumb and like to work hard. by the way good choice picking someone with a career losing record as a head coach as a replacement. Last thing, the AD is a New England guy, not shocking he picked someone from up there, just like he did with his first Basketball choice, and everyone saw how that worked out. William and Mary you will be the ones who suffer on this choice, not the coaches who left, good luck

Being as you are new here, I'd ask you to be careful of whom you call out. Unless you're sure you know, you might be quite surprised if you knew.

While I do not have a son in the program, I do/did know a little of what was and is going on.

VaDad is dead on. I do wonder if among the reasons the record wasn't as good this year was that some players were not as relaxed, playing to improve their individual positions, knowing they were going to go pro. But regardless, there were some awfully talented kids on that club, and there still are some.

Baseball is not at the top of the priorities at W&M right now. Not that it really ever was, but the football stadium/track projects have been an all-consuming thing here, especially with the added political problems. That was probably the biggest reason it took so long to get a coach.

Yes, the field might not be looking as it has in other years, but it's still awfully nice, and there is plenty of time to take care of any neglect ... after all, there isn't a game on it that counts until, what, February?

Look, every program goes through this kind of stuff. The number of pros the school has turned out in the last handful of years matches up with many of the best programs in the country. The bottom line is that W&M is a wonderful school, it plays in a very nice facility in a very respectable league.
WOW! I can't say I agree with all of you that say they know the program so well, if you had a son in the program last year only, you are the only ones that knew what went on, and if you did'nt you had your blinders on. The AD made it very hard for everything that went on in that program. From getting equipment fixed to asking and being turned down to stay an additional night while on the road because of late games. The AD is not interested in that program going any where, if so Coach Farr would still be there, We have all had our share of the AD some plesant some not, Just answer me this why would the AD give you permission to talk to other Div 1 schools but not give the release??
Unfortunately, any program that is not fully funded does not enjoy the support that is needed. Even more unfortunately, W&M is not alone in this regard. For a long time Maryland was the same way, although I do not know if that is the case today. This lack of commitment constitutes a large reason why the total scholarship level remains at 11.7 rather than, say, 15, which is a level clearly needed, or 18, which is far more reasonable and workable.

The new coach at W&M more than likely has very little chance to match the record of the old coach unless the commitment from the school dramatically increases, which seem very, very unlikely.
Originally posted by Pirate Fan:

That must be the best kept secret of ACC Baseball, because it doesn't appear on U of MD web site. I sure with some one of his qualifications that's something that would have been publicly announced.

Jimmy's pic is on the Terp web site.
Please try to stay up with many of us!

Originally posted by Coach45:
Bear, Yogi you aint (smarter than the average bear). What is it you don't understand about the Commonwealth games. We got a good laugh out of your input on that thread. Once again you continue to demonstrate that you aren't nor will you ever be what you pretend to be. Your gaucheness (look it up) continues to amuse but yet grows old. Get your head from between your buttocks!

C-45, Did you get my message?

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