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NCAAFAN, I understand your dislike for some of his comments, but talking about baseball is what this site is all about. Since I've been on this site, I would have to say that a lot of what he says is accurate. ND players talk a lot of trash on this site. While that's their choice, there's nothing wrong with fastballdad calling them on it. If I'm not mistaken, I believe he is a Barrington guy so any comments he makes about Barrington's team are perfectly appropriate. And if there is a thread on Sandburg getting a second chance and he or anyone else voices their opinion, there's nothing wrong with that. This site was designed to talk baseball and learn about baseball, don't attack anyone on this site for simply voicing an opinion.
Gees (to borrow from beenthere). I guess sometimes compliments come in the form of criticism.

NCAAFAN, I never singled out any kids or any school on second chances on anything. You obviously have an ax to grind. Wonder where that came from. Do you have the guts to PM me and tell me who you are? I have a feeling I know of a certain connection you have. Otherwise why do you give a rat's rear end about what I have to say? I'm assuming you are an adult because your profiledoesn't say you are a player. If you are a kid, let me know and I'll cut you some slack.

Cachter, I will not again comment to you since you as a kid feel it is inappropriate. NDChamps is a champ and that's all I'm going to say about that.

Ktown25 thanks for your support.

I know no more or no less than anyone else posting here.
Last edited by FastballDad
cath and NCAA...The one thing that we all have in common: We all LOVE the game.

You can talk baseball whether you are 10 or 80.

If you don't like it, please leave.

Most of the dads and adults on this site have played the game and have children or grandchildren playing the game in high school and beyond.

One bit of advice that you haven't understood: Listen and learn.

As I tell my younger 3 sons (of 5)...I know exactly where you are: I've been there and done that!
Last edited by BeenthereIL
I can't even believe that I am reading this thread.

For you to come on this site as a brand new member and start blasting FastballDad is wrong.

This is ridiculous. This site is for adults and kids, with adults making up most of the posters. This personal attack is unnecessary and uncalled for. Fastballdad is one of the most respected members of this site.

Let me repeat that. Fastballdad is one of the most respected members of this site.

Have you read the "Board Manners" before joining this site?

For you to come on here and tell one of your elders to "get a life" is extremely rude, disrespectful, and very uncalled for.

Yes, Fastballldad comments on players. Many posters comment on players. Isn't that what you guys want? People to talk about you?

Moderator, please lock this thread.
Last edited by play baseball
Originally posted by cathcer21:
Yes i mean this is realy a website for kids that are playing in highschool not for grown men this i just a thing were kids talk to kids from other teams and not other dads

just a quick little question...Who died and made you the guy who gets to decide how this site is used? As far as I know, this site was started by some older guy(s) and they are the ones who have kept it going. Keep it up "old guys" (i only mean that in a totally affectionate way) I love that you still have a passion for this AMAZING game.
Last edited by TGONG
Originally posted by cathcer21:
there is a forum for men only thats were the dads and coachs talk it even says players dont comment here

ok, i would just like to point out to you that if you are going to go by this logic, you cannot ignore the PLAYERS ONLY forum. from what you have said this means that is the only place we can post. tsk tsk you are not making us look very good
thanks for the kind words fastball...

as far as the ND kids go... you guys better hope coach K or coach P never sees the **** you guys write on this site otherwise (and trust me on this one) it's definitely gonna hit the fan and you guys will end up paying for it. I don't want to sound like a complete tool, but guys, (robinson and whoever else it is) let your play do the talking because you guys are all good players in what we have all helped turn into a top flight program. just win and you guys will get your respect.
FastballDad, You're tops in my book! good

NCAAFAN2205, I respect your right to state your opinion and I hope you continue to post. I don’t always agree with FbD, Cub fan and all, glare but I defend his right to speak his mind as long as it is within the decorum of this message board.

“KNOWLEDGE IS GOOD” ~ Emil Faber, Founder Faber College 1904

You can chalk up your post as another immature thing that kids do. I have tried to teach my own kids as well as the players I coach that if they have a problem with an adult or coach to speak to them in person.

I have been a member of this website since 2003. It was started by adults who love the game. It has welcomed players who want to contribute and as adults we have enjoyed most of their input.

I don't know Fastballdad personally but have found none of his post to be out of line and him to be very knowledgeable about the game.

Bill Spinelle

Go CL Tigers
I noticed this thread yesterday and was keeping an eye on it. In case any players are wondering why an "old lady" who's not even from IL is commenting here, I'm the "old guy" who currently has the ability to turn members' posting privileges off and on - though that option is rarely used!

I think it's great that while this thread started off on a negative note, folks like FastballDad have been gracious enough to note "If you are a kid, let me know and I'll cut you some slack." I agree that players who make a mistake here in terms of the board rules should be given a second chance. If they want to post and say "Hey, sorry I forgot the rules for a second", that's always okay, too (but optional)! Big Grin Cool

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