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Colt Griffin 100 MPH
Drafted 1 RD 2001 signed 2.4 million

Highest level Double A (2005)

Brien Taylor 99 MPH

Drafted 1 RD 1991 signed for 1.55 Million

Highest Level Double A 1993

Matt Harrington 98 mph Drafted 1st round 2000
highest level Northern League

Jason Neighborgall 98 mph Drafted 7 th rd 2002
redrafted 3 RD Diamondbacks 2005
Highest Level short season A

Matt White 97mph Drafted 1st Round Twins ( signed as Free agent Devil Rays 10.2 Million

Highest Level Triple A 2000

Josh Beckett 97 mph Drafted 1st round Marlins 1999 signed for 3,625,000
Highest level Majors 2001
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Colt Griffin has struggled with control so far during his professional career. Right now he has backed off his working fastball to 93-94 mph according to a couple of articles I have read about him on the web.

I saw the kid pitch in HS - watching him from behind the backstop was unbelievable. A 100 mph fastball coming at you is unbelievable. I cannot imagine being a high school kid standing in the batters box trying to see it.
When you try to throw so hard that all that matters as to how much muscle force you can put on the ball then don't expect much in the way of accuracy!

The best pitchers learn to throw hard with control at about a 90% effort level.

Don't make any sence throwing 105 mph if you can't throw it were ya want it to go.

If you can't, then you chose the wrong sport. Perhaps you should of been a Javalin thrower, for they don't even need to have there eyes open when they throw!

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