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CADad, I understand what you're saying, but we can't be too choosy about conferences living where we do. The opportunity to play (at a school with a dorm option) is paramount, with the quality of the league secondary. I know that seems backwards, perhaps, but the foot in the door is what is needed in our situation. FRC seems to get a lot of guys placed in the 4-years, and had a couple drafted (14th and 17th rds) in June. I was mainly wondering what folks might know/feel about the coaching staff. So far, in all communications, they have been great.

We'll be visiting Cuesta, FRC, possibly one or two others, while we're driving through in August. I wish Cabrillo was a better program, as son really liked the Santa Cruz area when we were there last summer.
Krak- Cabrillo community college has a new head coach that was extremely successful @ a local high school for years. Perennial league winner. My son played against his team for 4 years. He will most likely get the program back on track. Has recruited a lot of good players from the Monterey Bay area and also the Bay area. Would recommend you make an appointment to see him when you swing through the area. Cabrillo is in a beautiful setting and is a top notch community college. PM me for more info.
Krak- I answered your post, thought it hadn't posted and then deleted it accidentally! Anyway, Cabrillo is a program on the rise. New coach that built a very successful high school program in the Santa Cruz area. He's a very good coach that gets the best from his players. He's helped send several players through the years to various levels of college baseball. He's been hot on the recruiting trail and has played committed for the fall from all over the Monterey Bay area and Silicon Valley. Look for great things from this program in the next few years.

Good luck to you and your sons!
krak - Reedley College in the central valley now has a new coach - Steve Pearse - formaer assistant at UCLA this past season. His assistants are Josh Labandiera (former COS player and was in the minors) and Jeff Prieto, my sons former hs coach at CE and an assistant at UNLV before the shake up there. I can personally attest for the assistants, you will find none better.
This is a great new start for Reedley. Coach Hacker ran an outstanding program of character development, hopefully these men can keep it up and draw some great talent as well.
Krak: Feather River College has a great facility and is actually a pretty good school. Quincy is a super cool're about 2 hours from Reno, thereabouts. Our son had a friend a few years back who played for FRC...loved it. Baseball program was pretty good..and you're right about the dorms being a plus.

It's a bit isolated up there. They get snow. Beautiful summer and fall, though.

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