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I also loved the fans responses to each basket, and how thrilled his teammates were for him on the sidelines. In this time when so many people think the world revolves around them, it gives me a warm fuzzy feeling inside to know that so many people can feel such empathy for another human being. The cheering was exhilerating and uplifting.
Amazing story and video. It does leave you speechless. My nephew's high school here in Normal, Illinois has an autistic young man that has been the football, basketball and baseball team manager for years (my understanding is he is able to stay in high school until he turns 21). He absolutely loves sports and adores the players, and they treat him like a brother. Believe me that if anyone around school does or says anything nasty to this kid, the athletes take care of things. What a great learning experience its been for all the students in the areas of compassion, understanding and acceptance. Its been an honor for me to become a friend of this young man and his parents (who never miss a game).

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