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Mets pitcher tested positive for steroids. Interesting article especially the part where he accepts full responsibility for his actions and apologizes to the team and the fans. Maybe some of the "superstars" of the game should take notes. This is the kind of adult response that we can show our kids.
I was so disappointed in McGwire's "I am not here to talk about the past," Palmero's "Never, ever," Giambi's apology for absolutely nothing and Sosa's sudden inability to understand the English language. It is refreshing to see a guy stand up and take responsibility.

It would be interesting to know when the test was taken and when the results were known? I wonder if the test and results were taken and known prior to the Playoffs? I still don't trust MLB.

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Interesting article especially the part where he accepts full responsibility for his actions and apologizes to the team and the fans.

I agree this is a step up. I wonder if merely saying one is responsible and accountable though truly means that. The only reason he is now saying it is because he was caught so how stand up is that?

In other words, maybe someday someone will say something like "I accept responsibility for my actions. Thus, for letting the youth of America down as I have by setting such poor example, I am resigning from the game effective immediately. I will spend the rest of my life counceling young people so that they do not make the same mistakes that I have."
Someone had to break the mold of denial, and who ever had the nuts to do that was going to be viewed as a "stand up guy". What about the next who admits he was wrong?, is he also "stand-up"? or is he just guilty as charged? This guy said the right thing at the right time but when the dust settles he is just as guilty as the rest. I give him an attaboy for his timing but that's all. You may get some sympathy from a bleeding heart fan who does not understand the reasoning behind steroid use but an admission of guilt and an apology does not erase the fact he is a cheater who was caught. Let's not cloud the issues, the bottom line is he used performance enhancing drugs.

Lets not forget that Motta is a 33 year old Free Agent. Any team he signs with will have to absorb the penalty so common sense says do your best to come out of this with the least amount of scarring.

The big pat on the back for a job well done goes to his agent who recognized the situation, and how he was able to turn a negative into a somewhat positive.
Last edited by rz1
I hope it does start a trend. I hope everybody who gets caught from this point forward apologizes and takes responsibility for their illegal actions. In a society where everybody blames their mistakes on everything from the press to their parents, I do find this a little refreshing. Yes, he is a cheater. Always will be. But you take the victories where you can get them. I've always taught my kids that you accept the consequences of your actions, one of those consequences is to admit your guilt. Not hide behind your parents or your rights. Yes it is a shame that this is what you now have to point to is a stand up guy, but the past cheaters have lowered the bar to this point. I look at this as the first one who has raised it out of the gutter, although ever so slightly.
Absolutly deldad!

Maybe it is just "Mr Negative" who popped his head out but I feel that Motta would have pleaded the 5th or offered an excuse if he was not a FA. I don't know the man but I have a feeling these are words from his agent. Because of the historical aspect it is hard to hope that this will be a trend.

From a players standpoint it's dangerous ground, admission from one could be constude as though there was deception from everyone else caught. That is not a favorable position for a player to be in with his peers.
Last edited by rz1
Is it just me or is steroids not even helping players. Mota was pretty good a few years ago, he ate it this year, wasnt he on like three teams or something. I like Barry as a player, but doesnt it make you wonder? Maybe its just age with him, but he hasnt done too well. Look at Sosa, he stunk it up before he retired. McGwire wasnt very good either late. Canseco.. Palmeiro. The list probably goes on. Mota isnt a saint, he took roids. I understand he manned up and told the truth, but he still shouldnt be glorified "for doing the right thing." He did the absolute worst thing.
Last edited by AKBaseball6

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