hirrel 13-
I am from NJ and my sons team travels to the Carolinas over spring break. The trip generally runs between $4000-$4500 and is paid for by our Booster Club which runs 3 major fundraisers a year. Our spring trip is financed by a Lottery where every player in the program (frosh and JV included) sells 25 lottery tickets for 5 dollars each. Most of the prizes are donated.
We host a golf tournament in September, which the players are not involved in. Those funds are put back into the program for things like new dugouts, team sweat suits, or jackets...etc.
Our last fundrasier of the year is the 100 Inning Event which the players provide names and addresses of 10 possible sponsers...letters are also sent out to area merchants. The boys play 100 innings of baseball on the day of the event. All sponsers are welcome to come out and watch...we have a big cookout...its really fun. This money funds our Senior Scholarship Program where a set amount of money is given to the seniors that go to college.
It is a lot of work that goes on all year but its worth it.