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Yea, he needs to use his legs more, and drive that shoulder down. He's too straight up and down. Remember, the more you find wrong the more room there is for improvement. While it can be discouraging at first, it usually turns out being a positive. Like this past weekend I looked at a video of myself, and was literally disgusted; couldn't believe it was me. But I was throwing hard and well, so that means with the corrections I'll just get better. It's the same with your son. The more that's wrong, the more room there is for improvement. Just remember that, never get discouraged. He looks good though for 13. Keep it up.
I'm not a pitching coach and 3 second ain't long, but....
I really liked your son's clip. Wish I knew how to do that stuff!! Smile

Good looking arm action. Needs to be a little more fluid.

Have him work with on his follow through. This is less stressful on the "decelerator" muscles and should help his control and increase his velocity. Have him to "hold" his balance point a little longer during pitching practice. This will help develop more control of his body and should improve his accuracy.
Good luck,

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