I remember a year ago October, going to watch son's fist fall scrimmage. I entered the stadium and saw him in his uniform for the first time and cried. I was so proud! And he looked good in purple! The second time I went up, first home series, I entered the stadium and saw him in his home jersey and I cried, I was so proud. I remember the first time I saw him blow it, I cried then too, but out of frustration because he had not done well and I saw he was hurting.
Those are just an example of some emotions that you will encounter along the way. But remember how high or low you will be feeling, so will your player.
There will be wins, there will be losses, there will be strike outs and errors,walks, home runs, double plays, mental mistakes, sitting on the bench. There will be phone calls after the wins and no phone calls after the losses. There will be times when he wants to talk and times he doesn't. There will be no rides home with him like in LL or HS to discuss what went right, what went wrong. He has coaches who will do that.
Bottom line will be, he will be running the show, he will dictate when he needs advice and when he doesn't. It's important to remember it's your job to LISTEN, as hard as it will be, it's time to let him go forward.
I often think it's harder for the dads than moms. After all, they were the coach, instuctors at one time. They don't call the pitches anymore, they can't give the sign when to swing. Now, in our house, dad's role during a game is to "talk" to the pc, gametracker or TV, or pace behind the stands as son is behind in the count, walks a batter. He becomes the Head Coach at our house, saying should have done this should have done that. He has even been so stressed he had to go to bed, slept through a few games. But when son calls all he does is listen.
This is a nerve racking time, so much anticipation of the season to come. If you feel it, imagine how they feel. Some of us who have been there are here to share your joy, your frustration Before you know it you will turn around and say, "first season is over" and then before you know it, the next season is just about to begin.

Best of luck to all your players. Most importantly, no matter how the game goes, enjoy every minute.