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Honestly, discussing a fall HS game between two teams who admittedly had about half of what they will have available in the spring is kind of silly.

The fall HS season is about looking at kids in different situations to see how they might react. While everyone wants to play well, it is really about getting at bats and looking at different kids.

Not really time to get out on the ledge just yet. Wink

Honest&Unbiased - Good to talk to you Saturday. TS looked good.
Fall Ball is good on many levels:

1. We get our baseball fix during a time when Football is King.

2. Players and Parents get to bond/reconnect after a bit of a summer hiatus.

3. We get a chance to check out any new/move in talent before the Spring season hits
(some schools have a lot more of these move-ins than others....cough, cough)

4. We get to watch a game or two in the sweatshirts we purchased during last Springs Booster Club meeting.

5. Pitchers get in some time on the mound, batters keep their skills sharp facing live pitching. fielders get more playing time and the concession stand gets to sell off everything that didn't sell in the summer and restock before Spring .

6. And we get to ponder over and over again until Spring comes, What will our team be like come Opening Day when Johnny returns to us from football or when Jerry returns from his Fall Showcase team...... Ohhhhh the glory of the unknown, kinda like Christmas Morning only with the added smell of glove leather and bat tar.

7. And most of all we pray that everyone stays healthy before Spring hits (and we lose weight before another Spring season Big Grin Frown)

GOT TO LOVE THE UNKOWN and that's what makes Spring sooooo exciting....
Last edited by oldbat-never
Left you a phone message last week, been thinking about you and your mother, drop me a note or better yet how about a call and a cup of coffee....

Thought about your league game this past weekend vs Northwest and was thinking to myself that I hope your son had a great game then remembered...............HE IS A FOOTBALL CONVERT and Baseball Fall Ball for you....

So,,,,,,,,,,you will be needing that sweatshirt this Fall maybe more than me, WEAR THAT BASEBALL SWEATSHIRT PROUDLY at each and every football game Big Grin

And if you are still up call me on my cell as you know I am still up.....
Last edited by oldbat-never
Mike's double-dipping, so to speak. Football on Friday nights and Fall Ball on Saturdays! You know the kid-he's like the "Energizer Bunny" OK, so maybe he wouldn't like be compared to a bunny, but he's a bundle of energy! Mike really enjoyed playing with his teammates and it was fun having more of the FM players together after summer on other teams.

Cup of coffee sounds nice! I'll call you this time!

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