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FLS Newspaper Article

Michael Jackson (CB) .571; D.A. Wilson (WL) .556; Jason Vickery (CB) .555; Alex Gorfida (CB) .526; Derek Gallello (Rb) .515; Justin Kime (MV) .500; Garrett Rioux (Rb) .484; Geoffery Cieslewitz (NS) .480; Aaron Williams (MV) .480; Travis Seager (WL) .450; Jacob King (Sp) .455; Michael Bruno (MV) .450; Dion Gonzalez (CB) .444; Nick Gianforte (Rb) .444; Nathaniel Traugh (Rb) .429; Ben White (Ma) .429; Trevor Talley (Sp) .428; Steven Barlow (Ch) .423; Mike Oster (Ch) .414; Lex Estes (KG) .412;

Nick Gianforte (Rb) 13; Taylor Fennewald (Rb) 12; Nathaniel Traugh (Rb) 12; Derek Gallello (Rb) 11; Garrett Rioux (Rb) 11; Aaron Williams (MV) 11; Dion Gonzalez (CB) 10; D.A. Wilson (CB) 10; Michael Jackson (CB) 10; Jason Vickery (CB) 9; Isaac Geisler (MV) 9; Steven Barlow (Ch) 9; Mike Oster (Ch) 9; Craig Lopez (MV) 8; Alex Gorfida (CB) 8.

Nathaniel Traugh (Rb) 15; Zac Naccarato (Rb) 11; Travis Seager (WL) 10; Clay Massie (Rb) 9; Nick Gianforte (Rb) 9; Jason Vickery (CB) 9; Derek Gallello (Rb) 7; Charlie Peavley (Cu) 7; Thomas Brandon (NS) 7; Justin Kime (MV) 7; Steven Barlow (Ch) 7; Travis Frum (Ch) 7; Jacob Lopez (MV) 7.

Home runs:
Nathaniel Traugh (Rb) 3; Dylan Clark (WL) 2; D.A. Wilson (WL) 2; Aaron Williams (MV) 2.

Stolen bases:
Mike Oster (Ch) 10; Michael Jackson (CB) 7; Travis Seager (WL) 7; Jason Vickery (CB) 5; Steven Barlow (Ch) 5; Dion Gonzalez (CB) 4; Garrett Rioux (Rb) 4; Justin Kime (MV) 4.

Josh Fones (WL) 0.00; Dylan Clark (WL) 0.00; Dion Gonzalez (CB) 0.00; Josh Thomas (CB) 0.91; Jason Morgan (Ch) 0.93; Michael Bruno (MV) 1.00; Jacob Lopez (MV) 1.17; Geoffery Cieslewitz (NS) 1.27; Gavin Lutz (CB) 1.31; Sean Kennedy (NS) 1.34; Chris Ardiente (Sp) 1.91.

Damion Carroll (KG) 42; Sean Kennedy (NS) 34; Chris Denno (BP) 28; Nathaniel Traugh (Rb) 26; Jason Morgan (Ch) 26; Lex Estes (KG) 25; Alex Gorfida (CB) 21; Josh Fones (WL) 20; Anthony Martin (Ma) 17; R.W. Payne (Sp) 15.

Nathaniel Traugh (Rb) 4; Sean Kennedy (NS) 3; Josh Fones (WL) 3; Jason Morgan (Ch) 3; Alex Gorfida (CB) 2; Josh Thomas (CB) 2; Ryan Howington (Cu) 2.
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