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Saw that play recently, except it was a line drive over the centerfielder who dove to try to make the catch and the ball bounced out of his glove. Clearly a hit. Later in the inning a rocket was hit that took a bit of a bad bounce and nearly took the shortstop's head off. Funny thing was the pitcher made "get in front of the ball" motions to the shortstop where everyone could see it then jumped all over the center fielder for not hustling when they got back in the dugout. Coach didn't say a thing.
Last edited by CADad
The center fielder and shortstop clearly blew their opportunties. Only, it was the opportunity to get in the pitcher's grill and tell him that if he made quality pitches, they wouldn't have had to try to make extraordinary plays to save the rockets he was giving up from being hits! Eek

I'm not very patient with players who complain to their teammates when they aren't getting the job done themselves. More than once, I've reminded players that they have every right to complain about their teammates performance, only so long as they are ALWAYS PERFECT themselves. I've yet to see that "always perfect" player come along in this game of failure.
Last edited by 06catcherdad

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