Originally posted by helecop:
The news on the street is that a starting player at FM failed a class prior to spring break, but after the grades came out, the principal "fixed it" by getting the teacher to give him extra credit points and raised his grade. Another non-starting player also failed the same class but didn't get his grade fixed and had to sit out. Some of the players say it was common knowledge but that the coaches told them the principal had taken care of it. HMMM...what happens now?
Since it is not good to speculate here are some facts for you. The principal at FM while a great supporter of atheletics does not fix grades nor would he. For anyone to make such a statement in this forum from unreliable "on the street" sources is shameful! An FM player (non-starter and
not a CF) was unable to paricicpate last week due to a situation
not related to grades.
There were a couple of players, non-varisty, that were suspended because of grades earlier in the season, one made progress, one did not!
I also know that the varsity, non-CF, non-starter kid in question is in better shape today!