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Last summer I posted a prayer request for my older son's close friend Ben, who had gone into sudden, unexplained cardiac arrest at the age of 21.

This week Ben was mentioned in an article in USA Today because his survival was attributed in part to the doctors who treated him being familiar with a new program, Take Heart America, designed to combine simple steps that improve cardiac-arrest survival.

(Ben's story is summarized about half-way down the page.)

Five percent of people who are victims of this kind of cardiac arrest survive. Ninety-five percent do not.

Today Ben is alive and healthy, and back at his junior year of college. Our family was discussing it today, and we believe that a large part of the reason for Ben's survival was the power of prayer. Thank you all for your prayers last summer.

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It’s great to hear Ben is alright. Thanks for the update.

Find an Emergency Cardiovascular Care Class.

The Emergency Cardiovascular Programs Department of the American Heart Association offers several courses to help you save a life.

Just enter your zip code for a location where instruction is given close to you. Most fire departments and/or local hospitals will provide instruction. I got my “Heartsaver AED” last September… good stuff… it was instructed by our fire department’s EMT staff and took up only one evening… my wife, a health care professional, dragged me to it… I guess she just wanted her own dummy to practice on… I took a CPR class several years ago while a scoutmaster… AHA has lots of new information and new / improved techniques… these AEDs are saving lives and be found in a lot of public places, retail stores, public transportation, sports venues, etc… they are just about idiot proof and they work (some even talk to you and tell you what to do…).

Take a family member… the life you save may be your own!

More helpful links…

Ben, who is back at college, says: "This makes you value life more. Tomorrow is promised to nobody."
Last edited by Smokey

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