On boosters feeding players .... I won’t say it’s ALWAYS against NCAA rules but there are certain guidelines that have to be met and I’m not sure what those guidelines are. We have been to different dinners where the players are fed for free and the staff explains the parents have to pay for their meals to comply with NCAA regulations. I have also been to cookouts with boosters and they explain they are not allowed to invite players but they can invite parents and the parents can in turn invite the players if they so choose. I have also heard the president of the booster club announce that a particular event has been cleared by the coaching staff so we will move forward with the planned event. I usually just keep a fork and spoon in my pocket just in case anyone offers food. I always accept their offer for fear of breaking some NCAA regulations.

I’m not sure how this per diem works but here is the way it was explained to me. Many players are on scholarship, and the scholarship ends at the end of the semester, so their are no scholarship funds to cover the additional expenses. Therefore the university is allowed to pay the normal expense a player would have by having to remain and play baseball. Of course the Sugar Bowl is a unique situation and hotels were probably priced 3 times the normal price so the $150 per day in ’96 was not out of line in my opinion.