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I think the game should just continue... if you have the ball on your own 10; we just trade directions and play on until someone scores. If you score on the last play of the game you would have to kick off.... just keep playing the same game; that is what every other sport does.
Why change the rules; you might as well each draw a card and put it up to your forhead and see who has the highest card.
My husband thinks your way TR, team down gets the ball back.
However, that's tough one, today the Dolphins got the ball in OT, lost the chance on an interception, and the Titans won on a FG.
I say the Dolphins had the chance and lost it, no way did they deserve the second chance.
I am not a fan of ties in football. This isn't s****r or hockey..
S0ccer and hockey have shootouts much like the concept of how high school and college football break ties.

The reason high school and college use the tiebreakers is to not overextend the players. I believe in pro football if a team scores the opposing team should get a chance if they've had one less possession.

Don't look for the pro overtime rule to change anytime soon. It was discussed at the last meetings. It was agreed the current method is preferred by management and owners.
Last edited by RJM
S0ccer and hockey have shootouts much like the concept of how high school and college football break ties.

Except that s****r and hockey don't always use them. I've never seen a college football game ended in a tie (I know it used to be done). I've watched more than my share of college s****r games to a 100-minute 0-0 tie.

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